Google Fun/Tips and Tricks/Hacking


The most common and trusted search engine around the globe is Google, which began as research project in January, 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University, California.

The name "Google" originated from a misspelling of "googol,"[1][2] which refers to 10100 (a 1 followed by one-hundred zeros).
We all love this search engine and cant survive without it because of its quick and precise search results which others search engines lack. I have been using Google for last couple of years and have been playing around with it for quite some time and like others I have too realized that there is more to Google rather than just using it as a search engine

**Having Fun With Names:Have any one of you try searching your name on Google, to see what world has To say about you? This act of searching your name on Google is called “egogooglingâ€.You can have more fun with the names by adding “is†to it, for example put this quote in Google search box “Susan is†and here is what you get
Our little girl Susan is a most admirable s***, and pleases us

**Ripping Images:If you want to see all the images on the site use “site:†operator, for example go to and type the

**Google calculator: Google has build in calculator which can be used to mathematical calculations. Just go to Google web search and type 10+7*3-12
Google will respond with 10+7*3-12= 19.
Time for some fun with Easter eggs with Google calculator just type
Answer to life, the universe and everything
Entering this will result Google calculator showing “42â€.
The fun continues type seconds in a year in Google search box ,it will result in
1 year = 31 556 926 seconds

**Google Question and Answer: have you ever tried to find answers to your questions with google,just try following queries type in Google web search Albert einstein’s birthday and voila ;
Albert Einstein — Date of Birth: 14 March 1879
This works because google has built directory which answers your certain questions so that you don’t have to go to particular webpage to find the particular answer. Play around with it by searching any thing you desire like
Bono birth place
Where is Eiffel tower
When was star wars released?

**Destroy Google: Have you ever wish to destroy Google or any other website please go to and enter the website you wish to destroy and have fun and you can do it in multiple ways like you can send meteors,foold it, nuke it, shoot it, paintball or chainsaw it , cover it with flowers. etc.

**Google Speaks The Truth/Googlebombing: A "googlebombing" is when a group of people get together trying to push a site up to Google rankings, try tying the keyword “failure†and hit the search button, what do you see?(didn’t I mentioned that Google speaks the truth) and type the same keyword and click on I’m Feeling Lucky and see the result. Another fun with googlebombing, just type “Arabian gulf †and click on I’m Feeling Lucky and read carefully read the page not found page. Did u enjoy it? :D . Type liar and click on I’m feeling lucky and it takes you to another truth (enjoy it). “Litigious bastards†was a rude googlebombs and it was targeted against SCO group, for its infamous attempt to sue companies like IBM and other who used Linux as well as Linux users.

**Google Hacking: There’s a sport called “Google Hacking†which is all about searching seemingly private websites using Google. In fact you can only find public pages on Google and not private(password protected). You can find poorly configured WebPages and exploit it, however use the following strings at your own risk, you might land up in to one of the honeypots
Search for: "a syntax error has occurred" filetype:ihtml
Google will search for pages with ihtml (which sites are using informix).

Finding Private Files:
Search for: (password|passcode)(username|userid|user) filetype:csv
You will find files containing user names and similar

Finding File Listings
Search for: intitle:index-of-last-modified private
You will find pages which list files found on the server. A related query which finds FTP
Intittle:index:eek:f ws_ftp.ini

Finding Webcams:
Search for: “powered by webcamXP†“Pro|Broadcastâ€

Finding Weak servers
Search for: intittle:â€the page cannot be foundâ€inetmgr
You will find potentially weak IIS4 servers

Finding Chat Logs
Search for: something “has quit†“has joined†filetype:txt

Downloading Free MP3 with Google with out using Filesharing software:
so you are big fan of Led zeppelin and want to download its mp3 for free .
Serach for: index of†+ “mp3″ + “led zeppelin†-html -htm -php
alternative method:
“index of/mp3″ -playlist -html -lyrics led zeppelin

That’s it for today, will come up with more interesting things about Google, please share your tips and tricks with me and keep searching with Google.
C Ya!!
Google Redirection Hole Used For Phishing:Rsnake pointed out this vunerability couples of months back in his security news letter and it still continues to exist.Google redirection hole is being used as phishing redirector. Surprisingly IE 7 RC1 was able to recoganise it as an phishing incident, which its beta versions fail to do.Here is the URL that demostrate this vulnerability.
Hello Guys,
I am back with some more stuff. Since we discussed about the Google Phishing last time,i'll be talking today about Yahoo! Phishing today(even though its not an yahoo thread, just to prevent more mess in this forum i am including this topic in this thread).
Redirection in Yahoo Forwards Phishing:The Yahoo is curently hosting an redirection script used for tracking.That link can be modified to forward to any domain of the attackers choice(IE 7 RC1 failed to recoganise it as an phishing incident).
Here Is the Example:**
Rapidshare is frequently used to transfer large video files. Programs, music, videos, and other such files are frequently available from download this way. By using google you can see what other people have posted for download.

The filenames are in the rapidshare urls; therefore, searching for these filenames becomes very easy. This is another excellent way to fill up your media collection.

Just to get you started with an example. After the example, I show you the techiques for isolating video, music, or archive files. Enjoy the free stuff!

For example, if you want to see a bunch of 50cent songs (available for you to freely download)...

google: +inurl:wma|mp3|ogg cent

To see all video files available on rapidshare...

google: +inurl:avi|mpg|wmv

To see all archives and programs available...

google: +inurl:exe|rar|zip

To see all music files available...

google: +inurl:wma|mp3|ogg

This should show all files available...

google: .*
If you've ever searched for the same phrase at both Yahoo! and Google, you've probably noticed that the results can be surprisingly different. That's because Yahoo! and Google have different ways of determining which sites are relevant for a particular phrase.

The Twingine site (Twingine) contains a blank search form into which you can type any search query. When you click Search, the site brings up the results pages for that query from both Yahoo! and Google, side by side.

Another site, developed by Christian Langreiter, adds a bit of analysis to the differing sets of search results between Yahoo! and Google. If you have Flash installed, you can type a search query into the form at yahoo! vs. google: synerge and the site fetches the search results from both engines in the background using their open APIs

TIP:If use Firefox download the CustomizeGoogle extension,it enhances the Goole search results by adding extra information (links to Yahoo,Ask,MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam)
WinZip Serial Number Algorithm Found on NEW Google CodeSearch!!

Just by searching for "keygen", "serial", "name", and some well known cracker groups you can come by the keygen sources (how serial numbers are generated) to some very popular programs. I found WinZip, Photoshop, mIRC, and a few others..

import java.util.Vector;
import joos.lib.*;

Felix Martineau
Reehan Shaikh
Jean-Sebastien Legare

public class KeyGen {

public KeyGen() { super(); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
JoosIO j;
KeyGen k;
String username;
String serial;
j = new JoosIO();

j.println(" TEAM 01 PRESENTS -- THA BENCHMARK ");
j.println(" WINZIP 9.0 KEYGEN ");
j.println(" PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PAY ");

k = new KeyGen();

while ( (username=j.readLine()) != null) {

if (username.equals("Murad Meraly")) {
//This check is actually hardcoded into Winzip
//You can google it :)
j.println("Can`t use this name to register. Choose a different name.");
else {
serial = k.computeSerial(username);
j.println("Serial # for <" + username + ">: " + serial);
* This routine semantically does the same thing as the serial
* generation routine of winzip. The serial can be fully computed
* only from the username.
* The routine was debugged using Ollydbg (pretty neat tool actually)
* @param userName The guy's username
* @return the solution to the annoying winzip trial warning popup box
public String computeSerial(String userName) {
IntBits ib;
int len;
int L4;
int F4;
int i;
int c;
int counter;
int temp;
int serial; //This will hold the value of the serial
if (userName == null) return "";
len = userName.length();

L4 = 0; //Last 4 ascii digits of serial
F4 = 0; //first 4 ascii digits of serial
ib = new IntBits();

for (i = 0; i<len;i++) {
c = userName.charAt(i);
L4 = L4 + (i*c);

//c = 00000000 00000000 character 00000000
//c = c << 8;
c = ib.shift(c,8);
counter = 8;
while (counter != 0) {
temp = F4;
//temp = temp ^ c;
temp = ib.xor(temp, c);

//F4 <<= 1;
F4 = ib.shift(F4,1);
//c <<= 1;
c = ib.shift(c,1);
counter = counter - 1;

//if (((temp & 0xFFFF) & 0x8000) != 0) {
if ((ib.and(ib.and(temp,65535),32768)) != 0) {
//F4 = F4 ^ 0x1021;
F4 = ib.xor(F4,4129);

//0x63 = 00111111 == 99
F4 = F4 + 99;

//F4 = F4 & 0x0000FFFF
F4 = ib.and(F4,65535); //keep only lower 16 bits
L4 = ib.and(L4,65535); //keep only lower 16 bits

//F4 = F4 << 16; //move lower 16 bits to upper part of int
F4 = ib.shift(F4, 16);
//serial = F4 | L4; //upper 16 bits are F4 and lower are L4
serial = ib.or(F4, L4);

//now the serial string is the serial integer itself
//converted in hex where each hex digit is converted to
//an ascii character

return this.convertHexToString(serial);

* This function takes an int parameter and outputs its hex string equivalent
* without the 0x prefix
* @param serial The int to print in hex
* @return
public String convertHexToString(int serial) {

IntBits ib;
Vector chars;
Vector alpha;
StringBuffer sb;

int i;
char curVal;
ib = new IntBits();

chars = new Vector(8);
//The high order bits are printed first
//b[7] = (byte) (serial & 0x0000000F);
//b[6] = (byte) ((serial & 0x000000F0) >>> 4);
//b[5] = (byte) ((serial & 0x00000F00) >>> 8);
//b[4] = (byte) ((serial & 0x0000F000)>>> 12);
//b[3] = (byte) ((serial & 0x000F0000)>>> 16);
//b[2] = (byte) ((serial & 0x00F00000)>>> 20);
//b[1] = (byte) ((serial & 0x0F000000)>>> 24);
//b[0] = (byte) ((serial & 0xF0000000)>>> 28);

chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.and(serial, 15)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, 240),-4)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, 3840),-8)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, 61440),-12)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, 983040),-16)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, 15728640),-20)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, 251658240),-24)),0);
chars.insertElementAt(new Character((char) ib.shift(ib.and(serial, -268435456),-28)),0);

alpha = new Vector(16);
alpha.addElement(new String("0"));
alpha.addElement(new String("1"));
alpha.addElement(new String("2"));
alpha.addElement(new String("3"));
alpha.addElement(new String("4"));
alpha.addElement(new String("5"));
alpha.addElement(new String("6"));
alpha.addElement(new String("7"));
alpha.addElement(new String("8"));
alpha.addElement(new String("9"));
alpha.addElement(new String("A"));
alpha.addElement(new String("B"));
alpha.addElement(new String("C"));
alpha.addElement(new String("D"));
alpha.addElement(new String("E"));
alpha.addElement(new String("F"));

sb = new StringBuffer();
//we make 1 ascii char with each of those bytes
// each byte only has its 4 lower bits used therefore
// the values of the bytes ranges from 0 to 16
//we will replace the contents of the array with
//the actual byte value of the ascii character
for (i = 0; i < 8;i++) {
curVal = ((Character)chars.elementAt(i)).charValue();
sb.append( (String) (alpha.elementAt( curVal )));

return sb.toString();