Google Gmail accounts are bottomless barrels

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PLENTY OF US use Google's Gmail accounts on a daily basis. I, for instance, obtained my first account back in early June, 2004. It only took me 10 months to fill Google's until then considered "huge" storage space. See, one gigabyte is not so much after all when you start leaving all your email on the remote server.

Back in February, I started getting nervous when the space-metre at my Gmail account hit "95%". I asked my contact at Google in the UK what would happen when the account reached 100%. Would email start bouncing back to sender? Would I be alerted and given the option to "upgrade" for a fee to a bigger storage space?
Well, nothing like that ever happened, because Google's person never got back to me with her responses, and as you can see below, email keeps pouring in, and my Gmail account is already showing "102%" of space used.


Until Google figures what to do with those of us with full Gmail accounts, and if you don't want to risk losing your email due to bounces, you can use a trick. Open a secondary Gmail account, and then configure Google's forwarding option to forward every inbound message to your secondary one, selecting the option "trash it from the inbox" so you don't end up with duplicates.

There's a side effect to this, however. You end up with two "isolated islands" of email bases, and you have to log in and log out in order to search in each. Clearly, Google better decide what to do with those of us in this position, as my blood pressure has already started going up.


Nice tip there...
I think Mask had earlier filled his gmail account past the 1000MB limit (Who else :P) ... maybe they take it uptill 1024MB?

So far my gmail account is nowhere near full ... I have two accounts ... one which I get mails from newsgroups, etc, which fills up quickly, so I use POP access for it and purge the copies at gmail. Another one which I use to store any important mails, so if I get something I want to backup at the first account, I forward it to the second.
I have two too :D, the first one is arnd 100MB the second one is at 5mb lol, thats because I still use yahoo, rediffmail for many things, too lazy to make a complete shift :P
It has a limit of 1024mb not 1000mb ;)
Anyway everyone gets 50 invites so no probs makin many new accounts!
yep.. i filled up my gmail account with in a month of getting one.. topped off at 1022MB. ;)

Hit 1000MB on 26th Sept 2004. and managed 1022MB on 16th October 2004. It was then that i cudn't send anymore mails from my gmail a/c too ;)


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Are you all using google shell extension to fill up those 1GB or getting so many mails that your mailboxes are getting filled.
I am hardly at 8MB, that too because i dont delete any useless mail.
well.. i had to try it once, atleast.. so i subscribed to some spam mails.. i wud get around 25-30 MB in a day.. ;)
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