Google Shifts To New Hummingbird Search Algorithm


Have you noticed that Google search has got better at answering questions recently? If yes then the reason is a new "Hummingbird" search algorithm which replaced the previous algorithm about a month back.

Google has mentioned the new Hummingbird search algorithm at a press event which was hosted in a Garage where Google was started 15 years ago. Google's 15th birthday ( which is on 27th September ) was also celebrated at the event.

The algorithm is biggest change since 2010 when Google started using its Caffeine algorithm. The technical details about the new algorithm are not announced but it is said to be better at finding answers to complex queries.

It enables Google to parse full phrases instead of word-by-word enabling it to give better answers to complex questions. With more people using voice search in their smartphones, the search engine needed upgrade to respond to complex queries in natural language.



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