Google talk not working


I have installed Google talk, it does not work.It says can't connect so server or something similar.I have tried turning off my firewalls, allowing Google talk to be used when firewall is on. I have tried everything.Any ideas?
Is your problem solved, if not - you must have a gmail account, also recheck the username and p/w you enter, your gmail accnt must be active, and do not the error no or details properly and post again :)
Must be a blocked port then, check out if gtalk uses a specific port to connect and make sure your firewall is configured correctly, which a/v and firewall are you using.

what i mean is instead of disabling the f/w, just give exception to gtalk.
I fixed the problem.I got rid of Norton Internet Worm(well I was using norton systemworks primere 2005) and Norton Anti-vurs.

Then I went and got Nod32 and Kerio Firewall, now it works.