Google wallet weird verifications

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Yesterday I went to buy some app from android market.

It won't let me do anything with any card

Finally I checked through website of Google wallet.

They wanted verification of address and identities.

Has any one faced similar issue?

Buggers say dont create multiple accounts.

I am in no way going to give them my Id proofs and all.

They even have audacity to suggest alt.if you do not have scanner.

They went on to suggest using office scanner to scan and even more crazy option was to fax the documents with Google Id to some UK fax no. Saying this is our secure fax line.

What the hell?

Why should I part with my personal documents?
^^ Thats the google way, they want all your info, all your data
I attached my virtual cards,

Never attached credit cards.

I hate Google for this madness of verification.

Paypal verified with pan no. And 4 digits code.

That's it.

Why Google why?

I guess its going away from its own principal of be no evil.

I have decided not to purchase anything with Google and I am already switching my mail to hotmail and moving away from android as well.

Too much of crap.
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