Google Web Accelerator Download Officially Suspended By Google.


<font color="#FF9900"><blockquote>Thank you for your interest in Google Web Accelerator.We have currently reached our maximum capacity of users and are actively working to increase the number of users we can support.</blockquote></font>
These are the mysterious words from Google only a few days after its release of Google Web Accelerator. What is wrong? Load to big for the servers? Too many bugs?

Anyways Google having suspending the download is a mystry only google has the answer to.

here is a quick list to Google's Web Accelerator Many problems:

[*]37 Signals
[*]SearchEngine Journal
Maybe a possible reason is this:
[]Google Hacked? Just A DNS Glitch says Google![/rank]
IMO thats a big time hoax & there are plenty of reason's why i think it is a hoax,anyways this has nothing to do with the "Google Web Accelerator" & thats for sure.
AlbertPacino said:
IMO thats a big time hoax & there are plenty of reason's why i think it is a hoax,anyways this has nothing to do with the "Google Web Accelerator" & thats for sure.

Hmm... Maybe! But still curiosity is something! :p
Anyway, the Google Web Accelerator was pretty useless for the Indians!
Also, it raised huge hue & cry within days of its release! Esp., Security & Privacy concerns. Many went to the extent of saying that "One fine day, a time will come where you will wary Google as you do with Microsoft today!"

I would translate the above phrase as: "A time will come when I will go out of my Google in my Google to the Google to buy a Google and will have to pay a Google in exchange for the Google" :p :eek:hyeah:
~HeadShot~ said:
Maybe a possible reason is this:
[]Google Hacked? Just A DNS Glitch says Google![/rank]

I read bout tht too
Is it possible tht google got hacked
coolcrook said:
I read bout tht too
Is it possible tht google got hacked

Of course! That's possible! Why, even MS servers get screwed up!
BTW, it isn't impossible to achieve anything for the hacker (or cracker?) community! They just have to make an in-depth scrutiny of the technologies used by a certain company! Once, they get to know how a thing works, they can play around with it very easily! And Google's no big deal! :p