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EA to distribute Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source

Multiyear agreement sees publisher take over retail duties on storied shooter franchise, EA publishing Xbox HL2 in October.

Just over three months ago, one of the most contentious relationships in game history came to an end. On April 28, after months of overt legal disputes and covert bickering, VU Games and Valve Software announced they were ending a half-decade-long publishing deal. The arrangement saw the former publish the latter's groundbreaking PC first-person shooters Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Half-Life 2.

Source :

So the sucky steam will be exclusive for PC users only...
Am I missing soemthing :huh:, from the same article

The EA-Valve arrangement covers the boxed, retail editions of Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source but does not affect digitally distributed versions of the game. As before, those games will be delivered and updated via Steam, Valve's online service.
Essentially that means Steam will still survive. Though I just hope that EA releases a full version. I am ready to go out and pay 2k for the full game without any further updates...

Hope EA can provide that...
undertaker said:
Man an EA version of HL2 for the pc,with all fixes included would be great.Anyway this means no steam for HL3,good.

To my guess
steam is Valve's own feature & not of te Publisher VU games
though it w;'d be nice if there is a LOST COAST without steam, still chances are less
Steam isn't going anywhere, why else did valve pick up that huge fight with videndi for. They wanted complete control over their i.p.
EA is just publishing the console versions.

Although I too would like EA to come out with a proper retail hl2 box for the pc (EA over steam anyday).
And valve wouldn't dare try something bad with them like they did to poor vivendi universal.
EA would simply buy them, shut them and make them develop countless sequels to The Sims.