Goshdarned Nintendo!

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Apparently (Samurai India's claims notwithstanding..) the Nintendo Wii is available in Tata's Croma stores.

But goddamn! 22K is practically extortion! I know falling rupee and all but still! It's been TWO YEARS since the Wii launch, and the big N hasn't reduced prices even ONCE?! They STILL maintain this (what I believe to be) shady artificial shortage to hold the prices at that level I suppose..

The Xbox cheaper than a Wii...sigh..

EDIT: Prices of games :-O *faints* In this day and age when one can pick up Spore + Sims 2 for 1k...
Japanese fellows always screw up when it comes to business in India. Be it high prices, poor after sales or even real/artificial shortage. IMO, they never really have a game plan or commit to their business here. They just leave it to the koreans or chinese to take over :bleh: .
Hail the gray market ..

The wii has been avalable in the gray markets for long now and at mucho better prices
sydras said:
Japanese fellows always screw up when it comes to business in India. Be it high prices, poor after sales or even real/artificial shortage. IMO, they never really have a game plan or commit to their business here. They just leave it to the koreans or chinese to take over :bleh: .

Amen to that! Case in point: Toyota.

I thought I would get over this after sleeping over it for a bit, but damn, I'm still fuming about this price gouging! :@ :@
The game prices are even more ridiculous ! With the novelty of the Wii-mote and other features wearing off and the prices of x360 falling there might be a slump in Wii sales imo. That might somehow force ninty to reduce prices.
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