Got a call from Adity Birla sunlife for redeming the no claim bonus

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Hi got a call from Adity Birla sun life saying they have been appointed from IRDA to settle all the no claim bonus for all the people who have taken life insurances and have not claimed anythign till now.
He said i have taken a lot of policies from the past 7 yrs and since i have not claimed anythign from the past 7 yrs i am entitled for a no claim bonus for it.But since i do not have any investment in Aditya Birla , i need to make one
to ensure i get the all the details from them.Since for them i am a third party now,they cannot give any details now its seems .but if i can make an investment in some policy now then i can request all the details and stake a claim to the no claim bonus. he said you dont need to worry since i will be giving a cheque in the name of the company and not to any individua.

the investment required now is : 25000
the no claim bonua i will receive is : 92000

My query is has anybody got a call like this befor and what is that you suggest?? should i go for it or not??have to decide by evening.
Call up Aditya Birla directly and ask them if they are handing out any no claim bonus.

Even then, I dont think additional investment will be needed. Its probably a lie, so that the 3rd party agent can get some business out of you.
Oh please don't. I received a similar call from somebody claiming to be from the Investment Department of India. And he talked about in length how many companies are duping by not giving the investors the amount they deserve.
The bigger draw is how convincing they sound, specially to almost everyone (who is not a good investor, like me :P) has made a wrong choice sometime or the other. So we chatted at length (for about an hour !) on one of the policies which was as good as dead for me.
I had my first doubt thinking how can anybody from the GoI invest so much time in each and every call, asking for fraudulent investments ? The 2nd one struck when he claimed that the GoI would help me claim some 2 lacs odd from the investment, but I have to appoint a "regulator", which I can chose between Reliance, Aditya Birla and one more. Moreover, he pushed for Reliance claiming they had minimum turnover time. All I needed to do was give a cheque in their name for Rs. 20000/- in the name of the regulator I wished to appoint. That got me thinking, finally ended the call with a healthy dose of swearing.
i have the same thinking as you alekhkhanna . Why would someone invest so much of time in giving back someone's money.

I might not get the 92k if i invest the 25k. but i dont think ill loose the 25k.cos at the end of the day its still an investment which is almost as good as dead though.
i have the same thinking as you alekhkhanna . Why would someone invest so much of time in giving back someone's money.

I might not get the 92k if i invest the 25k. but i dont think ill loose the 25k.cos at the end of the day its still an investment which is almost as good as dead though.
Seriously?! Why would you think that? Cause without proper identification you are assuming that this person is genuinely from Aditya Birla group. On top of it, the money you give him will actually go to them. Still if you want to go forward. I work for Canra-HSBC life insurance, pls send me the money for policy, I'll help you out with the no claim bonus :P
i have the same thinking as you alekhkhanna . Why would someone invest so much of time in giving back someone's money.

I might not get the 92k if i invest the 25k. but i dont think ill loose the 25k.cos at the end of the day its still an investment which is almost as good as dead though.
Thats what would happen eventually. Your 25K would get invested in a plan which would offer maximum commission to that agent.
No claim bonus is redempted with increasing sum insured.Its not given cash.

And i dont feel for redempting you need to invest in new policy.How come you have those policies but for this you become 3rd party.

I am bit sure its not related to aditya birla(or maybe some new scheme by the company itself to tag more policy on one person) or someone have sell your personal details from them.ANd soon or latter you will have to say good bye for the money you invest now.
nigerian scam , you will get 50 million dollars , just pay up 5000$ now

why dont you ask him to take the 25k outta the 92000 and give the rest?
It is a scam @sumatrix. Plus once you give the cheque, there's no guarantee that it will actually be invested in any policy. Might just go into the scammer's pocket. Stay out of it brah.
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A colleague of mine got the same sort of calls, sadly he fell for the trap, Irony is that he's a part of the BK Birla group too.
If you get a call from them once agin, ask them "Please give me what all you said, in writing with todays date", if they cannot, ask them to take a carrot and shove it in their bum.
They will have excuses like
"Sir its company policy, we cannot give in writing"
"Sir the calls are recorded so you are safe"
"Sir I cannot write"
'My wife will scold me" etc.,

Your counter reply should be "If you're saying that benefit x, y and z are available if I do this, that and that, whats the problem in giving the same in writing?, if you have a problem don't sell me this stuff"

What they'll do is issue you a new policy for the check you give them without your authorization. (Same happened to my office chap, got a policy of 45k without even asking, and the check was for a verification of bonus, that the account number matches the one in company's records)
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