got/want an idea ? introducing idea banks

# BrainFlower - A forum for creative, innovative and funny ideas. Entries are not published automatically, about half are accepted.
# Brightidea - A global creative community dedicated to making the world better one idea at a time. Ideas are sorted into categories and can be voted on.
# Creativity Pool - A global pool of innovation and new ideas. People can browse the database and search for creative inspiration, or donate their unused creativity and be rewarded.
# Global Ideas Bank - An International Suggestion Box for socially innovative non-technological ideas and projects, with £1,000 UK sterling awards annually for the best ideas or projects submitted.
# Halfbakery - A communal database of original, fictitious inventions, edited by its users and spanning many topics.
# Idea A Day - A new idea every day.
# ShouldExist - Collaborative innovation, brainstorms, prototype reviews, a community of original thinkers scheming about how to make the world a better place.
# Thinkcycle - Idea open source forum seeks to create a culture of open source design innovation.