Android Gpslocationprovider killing battery

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After flashing cm10 on my pantech burst, I was playing with settings on my phone. By mistake I selected the internal GPS radio button in location settings. At night I had charged the phone completely. Next day (yesterday) I saw it was at 40%. Saw in wake lock detector that GPS provider was keeping phone awake all the time. I searched the net after I came home and saw the only solution was to factory reset the phone. I did that yesterday evening and didn't select any Google backup or internal GPS. Same thing happened today. 12hrs back the phone was fully charged and now its at less than 74%. Culprit is the same gpslocationprovider.
Should I flash ICS back on the phone or should I reflash cm10 from zip file.
Is there any other way to delete GPS settings etc? I tried some free software but it didn't work.
See screen shots.
First day:

Second day:

Feel like wiping the phone completely. This GPS thing is driving me nuts. :mad:
Keeping GPS always on seems to be the most popular solution as long as you don't have any apps set to read your location frequently. But since this is not an ideal solution in most cases, please try the below workaround I found elsewhere and see if it works for you:
1. After reboot, turn on GPS.
2. Go to some GPS application so it starts searching satellites and gets a lock.
3. Turn on WiFi.
4. Wait until it connects to an AP
5. Turn off GPS and exit the application
Yup I did that. I installed some app called GPS status. I turned on GPS or A-gps. It found some 15 satellites. Kept it on for some time. Still the battery was draining. Got fed up and reset the phone. Went to all the trouble of downloading updated apps through play store on 2g and seems the problem didn't go away. Seems some Google search service is causing this problem.
Right now I installed Xposed framework and searching for some per app killer module or something that stops Google or other services from access to GPS location service.
I froze some apps using titanium backup. Google search, hangouts, built-in email & exchange, and news & weather widget.

Aldo downloaded an app (Advanced permissions manager) that shows detailed permissions. Haven't done anything in it yet.
Also downloaded xposed plugins but will use that as last resort.
If freezing does not work I will try one method everyday after battery is charged completely.
If none work, I'll flash a new ROM. Maybe paranoid one.
I dont think freezing hangouts, email and exchange is needed( unless you don't use them, ofcourse). If location reporting and location history is off in google now( or if google now is disabled totally ) google search app will not look for location. Let us see what happens as you have frozen google search. What is the top app in the wakeup trigger list in wake lock detector?
Looks like it worked.
Had charged it full two hrs back. Now it looks like this.

Both TE and Yahoo will be greenified. Something is using that alarm manager too much though.
What's the syntax to get alarm manager dump in terminal?
Update. Only the per app hacking app worked. Rest did not.
The gap in screen on time is when I was testing other apps. The hacking did the trick after a few hours I think.

From alarm manager dump, except gmail, all other Google services were constantly waking up the phone. Sync manager was trying to sync even with sync off globally. Then Amazon store app was constantly pinging their servers every few minutes or so. Same with yahoo email app.

I disabled wake lock on all Google services including frozen talk or hangouts. Also on Amazon store. Plus yahoo too. Also used as task manager to remove some startup menu items of Google play services. (-_-)'. The trouble people have to go to to save battery!!
Glad that the problem is at least somewhat fixed. Normally things are not this bad, but suddenly everything goes rogue for some reason for some days, then it either automatically cures itself or is cured on the next complete rom flash. Never has something this bad though.
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