OC & Modding GPU cooling


I want to know which is better to cool my GPU. I have an option of buying a Vantec Spectrum fan card


OR should I buy an NV silencer 5 in Bangalore itself???

Which will be better?? The Vantec fan card is cheaper and I am leaning towards it.... please keep in mind that I am short on cash and would prefer to buy the Vantec over the NV Silencer 5.

MY card is a BFG 6800GT OC. Stock is 370/1000. I run it at 400/1100. thge load temps are around 72 deg C.

Idle is usually around 57 deg C.

Please help me out with this.... I need to decide so that I can ask my uncle to get it. I am also asking him to get the Delta 120mm 220 CFM fan.... This is I will use on my XP-120 and m existing TT Thunderblade 120mm(76CFM) will be my exhaust fan.
In a word, great
Before I go in to the technical stuff, I will tell you this. My case is well ventiliated (and that's an understatement). Combined with this card I now have twelve fans in my case pushing air one way or another. This card is excellent. People say it will only work with mid-high end GeForces and Radeons, but get this:

I have a BFG GeForce 6800 GT Overclocked which I have this fan on the first pay below it. Before, when running this card with just my normal PCI/AGP exhaust fan going, my stats were as follows (the game in question is, of course, Doom³):

In-game: 84 to 86 C
Normal running temp: 64 to 66 C
In-game: 61 to 65 Celsius
Normal running temp: 42 to 45 C

Now, with this fan on high, I just ran this test a few minutes ago:

In-game: 73 to 75 C
Normal: 57 to 59 C
In-game: 46 to 49 C
Normal: 35 to 37 C

I think those numbers speak for themselves. Same, if not better, performance, cooler running temperatures. This card is worth every penny (and then some).

This is a user review from newegg.com.

This is the source --- http://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/FeedBack/CustRatingReview.asp?DEPA=0&Item=N82E16835888112&page=3

Same card BFG 6800GT OC.

Nikhil posted 2.07 minutes later:

OH... and funky also has this..... He says it is damn good.... says it lowered his temps by 10 deg C..... dunno if it was load or idle
Do not trust newegg reviews. They weed out the bad ones at times. All you'll get is a glowing picture of the product. An NV Silencer will bring down the temps a lot more. For 10$ more, its a much better investment than that.
THat card fan makes whole lot of differece weather you have Nvsilence or not.
It makes difference with or without it.
I have installed 1 in my case and it brought down my GFX card temps by more than 15C.
The basic problem with any solution is that it needs fresh air to cool GPU and no matter how good your case ventilation is its not even close with what you will get with this card.
Put this 1 or 2 slots below the case fan and see the temps drop.
Its well worth the money.
Or make yourself 1 by using 2 fans and tie them up together and use that PCI slot cover and tie these to it.