PC Peripherals GPU issues - Mobo Sata connectors in way


Having decided to finally upgrade my GPU, I realized I'm in a wee bit of a pickle.

Currently using a 880GM UD2H with an 8800 GTS

My 8800 fits in there just fine since the fan shroud doesn't reach the Sata connectors at the bottom there even though the PCB itself is 9 inches long. Looking at the new cards coming out and the full shrouds, I realize I might have quite an issue fitting a new GPU in there. I'm left with two options

1) Ask you fine peeps who do have this motherboard what cards you're running and any issues you had with fitting a new GPU in. Just buy a 560 Ti and hope it fits :-/

2) Would it be possible to run a Sata to eSata cable from my HD to the external eSata connector on the mobo at the back?

Any help would be appreciated

Primary use is for work and the only gaming I plan to do is Diablo III (for now ..primary gaming on my 360)

Will be getting a new monitor as well with the GPU upgrade. Possibly the ST2220L.

As to which HD I have..All I know is that it's a Hitachi Sata drive :-/

EDIT - I should mention that my primary usage is animation and I use Maya.
Not sure why my hotlinked picture was removed, unless that was against the rules.

The issue doesn't have to do with my cable management or my cabinet. It's the design of the motherboard. The Sata connectors on the motherboard are in the way if you install a larger GPU. Something around 9 inches.


See what I mean?

But, if you must know. I have an Antec 900.

Basically, I'm wondering who here has this motherboard and what GPU's they're running. I'm really not about to change my motherboard so I'll have to

1) stick with what I have and upgrade later

2)Try and find a GPU that wouldn't block the Sata connections. Something that will last me for the next 3 years at least for moderate gaming but mostly work.

Long 2-slot cards will block three of the ports.

Right-angle connectors may be able to help save at least one, maybe two ports.

Two ports will always be usable, they're outside the shroud area. The end of the shroud will roughly line up with the outside line of the first PCI slot.
I'll get a picture up for you guys in a bit. Might make things a bit more clear.

Updated with pics



See what I mean? A 9" card will still clip the top of the bottom right Sata connector. I should have thought of this before I bought the board :-/

Are there any other thinner or not as high profile right angle connectors?

I'm looking for any suggestions here.

I probably won't be upgrading until the rest of the Nvidia 6 series cards come out. Hopefully the Ti cards won't be longer than 9 inches.


I only have one HDD and it's in the bay below. Plenty of room for even a 10" card. Only issue would be the Sata connector and the cooler shroud getting in the way.
Same board and although I have a non-reference 8800GT even I'm safe as my card barely crosses the heatsink beside the SATA ports. Anyways, I don't think it would be a problem unless you use more than 2 Sata ports. If you look carefully, the Sata ports are labelled from bottom to top so using the lower 2 shouldn't be a problem, the remaining 3 might end in a tight squeeze.
I kinda tried estimating (using a handy dandy ruler) where a 9.5" or 10" card would go and it did seem to nick the top of the bottom right Sata connector.

Taking a reference 560 Ti as an example


I have no idea if there would be enough clearance for the last SATA connector considering the shroud covers the entire PCB.

I guess I could ask if any of you guys in Blore would be willing to drop by and pop your cards in to see if it fits?

Obviously that would be my last option though