gr8 news

sTALKEr said:
^^ ur right..
wat he's tryin to say is that.. he's ready to sell it for 250bucks if u pay 350 bucks as shipping.. basically.. he wont sell for less than 600...

lol :S

hey u kwow how much that orignail price form games shop or landmark cost :bleh:
1500-2000 r.s :p
that why i did not check ma eye :p

dude if u have any gaming mouse pad for trade or exchange i can deal ;)
congo maN........and enjoy maN.

Btw, I am a lil surprised ma..regarding ur writing etc. I sometimes get the feeling that ur deliberately writing the way u make it interesting and funny....if ur serious, I'm sure u must be trying to improve on yr writing skills. I guess most of us do feel the extra effort it takes trying to understand what you are trying to convey. If you can put the sentences correctly, at least the words in right order that wud make things a bit easier for all of us.
also got amd dual core 4400x/2 and asus m2m-e coolmaster 600 watt

and 2 gb drr2 tracsend


will get 250 gb and 80 gb for ma odl 3000+ :p

only for hdmi user at odl 3000+ board

hey btw i need u exchange that lost planet dvd and need mouse pad :(
so i exchangers that coolmaster and got zebrionce peace and 500 watt plautim serials




igot dual computer means triper core P

that old 3000 is for download and family user only :)
@audiophile2rock and hunter and and Nash

PLS update that rig vote :(
pls dont post cramp rating will get new lcd soon :ashamed:

how is ma cabinet :D