Greetings from Pune


Hello everyone! This is a mandatory intro post I do when I register on any forum.

I'm Mangesh , an independent Game designer from Pune. I'm currently working on a personal PC game project in Unity 5.Besides making games I am into making custom builds for PCs with my local friends. I try to keep myself updated with current technology in general. I'm a big fan of wearable technology( smartwatches, fitness trackers , VR etc.)

I hope to contribute to the community with my knowledge and learn from all of you. Cheers!


For those who are interested for some gaming action:

Steam ID- crazymangya Id- crazymangya#1101
Welcome from another Pune-ite.

Looking forward to any game designing/programming related posts.

Can you tell us a little bit more about how you're using Unity5 - do you do graphics (UI/visuals) work and/or 3D coding stuff too? In C++ ?
Welcome, fellow Puneite! Look forward to reading your posts on Unity over here.

And your Steam profile says you play some TF2! Looking forward to making you go SPLAT in it sometime! haha (Steamid: thespaceman)