Grey Lines on iPod Touch screen

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Hey guys..

I just took my iPod Touch to listen songs and saw, there was horizontal grey line on screen. I confirmed it, it is LCD problem as screenshots doesn't show that line. Even if the iPod is turned off, I can see that horizontal line.

It was purchased on January 2009, so no any warranty left :@ Now, I want to repair the screen. How much will it cost me? Any way to fix it cheaply (I know I've to pay way more in Apple Service Center :()

Photos -

Faheem knows the contacts of a guy who does repairs for the iPhone. He can handle this I suppose. Send him a PM. I think even nitant knows the guy.
I cant see the Pics. Incase this is the First/SEcond Gen Touch which has the LCd,digitiser and Glass all fused toghther then it would turn out to be expensive,something like 4K.
I've to change only LCD screen if I'm right.. Why should I replace the whole LCD, Digitizer and glass? If it's gonna expensive then I'm not really going to repair it..
That's a definitely LCD damage, same thing is on my iPhone... it appeared after I successively managed to drop my iPhones about 4-5 times from 4+ feet height... (Not at same time, same day, mind you :P)

I know a shop in Ghatkopar which can help you, Fah33m fixed his iPhone display from the same guy. But seeing that you're from Kolhapur I'm not sure if that info is really useful to you. Unless off-course you can ship it to them and get it shipped back. You can call them and see how you can go about it... following are the numbers

Contact: Mr. Hemal / Mr. Pinkesh

Phone: 22-67982112
Ok i had the Iphone 2g. In this model and iTouch launched with it the LCD,Digitizer and Glass are all fused togther. So you cant replace the individual components. But then again this Grey Line problem is only with the older models :( .
My Phone is usuable but the Lines start to spread after the first instance. So expect more lines.
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