Grey Market iPhone 3G on ebay. Safe to buy?

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Hey guys, was planning to buy an iphone 3g. On ebay, a dealer mentions his products as brand new grey markets. Shall i buy it?

I don't want Apple to sue me later or (OTA making my phone disfunctional) for buying a phone in grey market and not via official route... please help... m new to this grey market stuff
There would no such issues from Apple's side! You need to ensure the validity of the claims made by the dealer though (whether the phone is indeed new or not)
malhotraraul said:
unreliable sources, BIG NO NO !!!!!!

I just did one and the phone was great. So well yes if you can trust someone. Regarding suing you all, don worry it's already all over in market :ohyeah:
Get it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

You don't have anything to worry about, I think there was someone else on the forum who bought one too.
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