GTA 4 Review Thread

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Well I just tried out the "ahem" has an inbuilt benchmark suite. I got arnd 31+ fps avg @ 1680x1050 and max settings the game wud allow me to under winXP.
There r a few funny glitches though, but the wobbly cam issue is sorted by making the game run in win2000 compatibility mode. Was getting arnd 28-35fps in game without any freezes or lags. If u guyz want i cud throw in some screenies too.

The game felt great in most respects, though i didnt activate any missions yet, just roaming arnd....Waiting for VJ to deliver the game to me:) ,then i'll start with the missions and the multiplayer:D
just played the game, and it would make a better racing game that nfs undercover :D still trying to handle the car, lots of fun :DDDDD , i didnt have any issues so far, and working with my windows live id too :D
Hi ,

I have a very similar config , except I have 4GB RAM and a 8800 GTX , can u post a pic of the graphics setting page.

I mean , the sliders which control view distance , traffic density etc.
mithun said:
Well I just tried out the "ahem" has an inbuilt benchmark suite. I got arnd 31+ fps avg @ 1680x1050 and max settings the game wud allow me to under winXP.
There r a few funny glitches though, but the wobbly cam issue is sorted by making the game run in win2000 compatibility mode. Was getting arnd 28-35fps in game without any freezes or lags. If u guyz want i cud throw in some screenies too.

The game felt great in most respects, though i didnt activate any missions yet, just roaming arnd....Waiting for VJ to deliver the game to me:) ,then i'll start with the missions and the multiplayer:D
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