GTA IV Avaliability

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G@d of w@r

im too desperate to get it today :bleh:

cant resist for more 2-3 days.

called up cultural they will stock it from 5th onwards... 48 hours to go.

if anybody spots that game (PC VERSION) at lamington road today, pls post here.
Ya , this really sucks , after seeing so many GTA 4 pc videos I also can't wait.

Even after pre-ordering it 2 weeks ago , I almost was tempted to download the damn game of the torrents yesterday, if the size wouldn't had been 13GB , I surely would have downloaded it just to play the single player and enjoy the multiplayer when my copy arrives from Vijay.
G@d of w@r

plz tellme shop name ill also take it

or we cud go together n get it ;)

ive kept a 500bux note aside for GTA 4

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