GTA IV Crappy Performance!!!

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I am posting a new thread because I am fed up of nobody replying it in the other threads. :ashamed:

My performance, both FPS and real time performance is crap. People are saying that I should be getting 30+ FPS with my rig at 12x10 MAX. This is not the case. :S

I can't understand/apply the tweaks mentioned online. I have used the commandline.txt from TE but performance is still really bad. :(

Please help me out...:huh:
[quote name='rite']

My performance, :O both FPS and real time performance is crap. :clown: People are saying that I should be getting 30+ FPS with my rig at 12x10 MAX. :jumpy: This is not the case. :kid:

....... TE but performance is still really bad. :clap:

Please help me out...QUOTE]
i had to OT..sorry rite..just joking...:bleh:

since uve trie evrything,,hw bout a defrag?:)
EscSysRq said:
comon...u need 1.5 gb of gddr3/5 vid memory too..incase u want to run game at full detail , max draw distance and highest texture quality......

I run it at full detail , max draw distance and highest texture quality with a 4870 512MB

Average FPS: 48.84
Duration: 37.47 sec
CPU Usage: 64%
System memory usage: 71%
Video memory usage: 100%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Render Quality: Highest
View Distance: 100
Detail Distance: 100

Microsoft® Windows Vista" Ultimate
Service Pack 1
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Video Driver version:
Audio Adapter: Speakers (HDA XPLOSION 7.1)
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 4.05GHz
Udit said:
I run it at full detail , max draw distance and highest texture quality with a 4870 512MB


Average FPS: 48.84

Duration: 37.47 sec

CPU Usage: 64%

System memory usage: 71%

Video memory usage: 100%

Graphics Settings

Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)

Texture Quality: High

Render Quality: Highest

View Distance: 100

Detail Distance: 100


Microsoft® Windows Vista" Ultimate

Service Pack 1

Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

Video Driver version:

Audio Adapter: Speakers (HDA XPLOSION 7.1)

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 4.05GHz

dude ,

agreed !

but some people are like lazy sh!t for any thing to read or search ...for them teh expensive upgrade is only wayout!!...crap:|

btw chk dis out


Average FPS: 24.18

Duration: 37.42 sec

CPU Usage: 91%

System memory usage: 80%

Video memory usage: 100%
Graphics Settings

Video Mode: 1280 x 800 (75 Hz)

Texture Quality: High

Render Quality: Highest

View Distance: 100

Detail Distance: 100


Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Service Pack 3

Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 702-1670-750

Video Driver version: 180.84

Audio Adapter: Realtek HD Audio output

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz@3.03 ghz[ram@900MHz cl4-2t]
File ID: benchmark.cli

u just need to tweak things !!
If he gets nearly 50 FPS at those settings, shouldn't I be getting at least 30-35 FPS at a rez one notch lower? He probably hasn't even tweaked anything at all!!!
You should. But from what i know and have heard, GTA hates 4850's. Check with other 4850 users if they are having the same issues. My 8800GT (Though lower than the 4850) gives me 40+ FPS (Maximum settings).

Another thing i see is that you have 2GB RAM. GTA is a real memory hogger, i saw the Memory utilization around 93-95% (My memory being 4GB). So a few things lacking in your system.
You need more memory GTA 4 is a memory hog....Upgrade to 4GB yes also how about using the command line commands to turn of vsync etc.
Please temme all the tweaks. Also, RAM doesn't affect FPS much, does it? It is more of performance smoother, right?
Check sticky - GTA-IV PC Tweaks/Fixes

You would find most options there

On a side note: Those who are bashing gta4 should give Saints Row 2 a try :rofl:
I am unable to understand the tweaking mentioned there. That is why I am asking. Can I please call somebody through phone to ease things out ?
Well with my current setup I am getting around 28 fps at 1440x900, with both settings at medium and looks fine. I am pretty happy playing it at these settings, but let me add here, I am happy playing at these settings because I dont know any better. ;)
Welcome to the world of f*cked up ports. I have completed the game playing at 22-25fps. It didn't stutter once. Slow downs were present but not so frequent. One more thing, don't look at the in-game benchmarking tool. It's totally worthless. The realtime frames & those attained with the benchmarking tool are 2 separate entities. Consider yourself lucky if you're able to attain 25fps (or above) without any stuttering issue.

I used the command line text file which Dinesh had posted in the GTA fixes thread. Raised the Texture quality to High & Render quality to Very High. Shadows = 0, View Distance= 25, Detail distance = 40 & Vehicle Density = 20. All this with my resolution being at 1280x1024 @75Hz. I attained playable frames. Get rid of FRAPS (if you're using it). Just enjoy the game without it. There will be texture pop-in & out occasionally but nothing major to hamper the game.

Just keep tweaking the game. Remember there is no "single" tweak which makes this game run lag free on every rig out there. Everyone has a different configuration & hence we need to keep experimenting with the settings. We can only feed you with so much but the rest if upto you. Also keep a check on GTA forums where you'll find ample amount of threads relating to the common issues.
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