GTA-IV PC Tweaks/Fixes

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i`ll be postin here a few tricks to run this game properly which i found out in other forums :)


i discovered this myself while going some keeda kandi with the game :P

trick is:

1: copy the attached file into ur GTA IV directory

2: under the graphic settings of the game select resolution to 1680*1050

3: Texture quality HIGH .. very important ( do not change this )

4: Render quality HIGH or highest if frames dont drop

5: View Distance to 30-40

6: Detail Distance to 30

6: Shadows to 0 (they are useless in GTA anyway)

dont give heed to what the game says about the ram exceeding sheet...

just play. avoid using fraps while playing :)

. this is from me

guys I installed teh game :)

my advice to u all :

install all 3rd party applications before u install the game !!

like :

1:adobe flash both for IE/Firefox

2: .net Latest with service pack

3: Make ur account @ both Games for windows live and rockstar social cluB

4: install latest directx from microsoft... just do it.. it will update ur PC with latest runtime.

5: install latest driver for ur Audio Device/Graphic Device. (nvida-180.xx, Ati- 8.12 beta RC3)

6: install latest version of Visual C++ and install

7: Finally I started installing game. there also it gives unique errors like not recognising the 2nd disk or askin for CAB-4 which does not exist. then the solution for the same is to Copy DATA from all 2 disk in one folder of the Hard drive and install from there.....

8: play the game in the settings it has judged for u but change resolution to 1680*1050

9: avoid running fraps while playing GTA4

10: Windows Vista Users can change their appearance to Basic to gain a 2-3 more FPS

1: ATI users can enable anti-aliasing from their Catalyst Center . set it at 2

Credits Dingemini312/Dinesh Malhotra/Me :P


initially i wasted too much of my time in tweakin things up.

but later found that atleast until there is no patch, let the game decide what is best for u.

i get avg fps of 37 with min of 25 to max of 42

the game does look better/same to the console version. i have played the xbox360 version @ my nearest gaming parlours for almost 11-14 hrs, hence i can consider myself apt to gauge that.

the game is just loveable..... i have already played it for 6-7hrs and its PURE.....

buy it guys.. its still worth it :)



1. INSTALL: Install the game fully & sign up for all the sh*t they want you to sign up for. (You NEED the Rockstargames SocialClub Account!!!)

2. SHORTCUT: Do as described in many of the posts around here… CREATE A SHORTCUT OF YOUR LaunchGTAIV.exe and put it nicely on your desktop.

3. OPENING: Rightclick and go to properties


5. RESOLUTION: Behind that enter YOUR CHOSEN RESOLUTION like this: -width=1680 -height=1050 (You can chose ANY resolution you want as long as your VGA and Monitor support it.)

6. DETAILS: Behind that CHOSE YOUR DETAILS with the following piece of code: -texturequality=2 -renderquality=4 -detailquality=99 -viewdistance=99

7. SAVE THAT: In the end your commandline should look something like this (with your proper specifications ofc):

“D:\Games\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\LaunchGTAIV.exe” -windowed -texturequality=2 -renderquality=4 -detailquality=99 -viewdistance=99 -width=1680 -height=1050

8. CONNECT: Startup this stupid Rockstargames Social Club and LOG ON! IT’s CRUCIAL THAT YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT AND ARE LOGGED ON!

9. DON’T: Do not start the game through the provided button in the up-popping menu of Rockstargames Social Club. Just minimize it to the tray.

10. PLAY: Start the game through your shortcut of LaunchGTAIV.exe and ENJOY

NOTICE: You can put in ANY resolution you want, chose ANY detail-level your machine can handle, put in ANY viewdistance you like and the game will run it properly and FAST!

RESULT: I really dont have something you would call a High-End-Top-Notch-PC! Just an average AMD 64×2 4000+ with an average if not old NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GT (256MB) and 2 GB of DDR-RAM BUT the game runs PERFECTLY and ABSOLUTELY SMOOTHELY on my machine.


@ credits to a GTAFORUM member (he wrote it , i paste it ... i found it :P )


General Graphics Issues


As of December 4th, the best drivers to use with GTAIV:

- nVidia: 180.48

- ATi: 8.11

ATi have also released the 8.12's RC3. This is a *BETA* driver, so use at your own risk. There are reports that these drivers significantly increase performance in GTAIV.


Ensure your update your DirectX!

Note: These links will take you to the web installer. A 300KB program which downloads the latest DirectX release from Microsoft.

Clip Capture

This feature records the last ~30 seconds of gameplay, as you run around in GTAIV, and has been attributed to a lot of different loading and FPS issues. Go into your options menu, move to the "Game" tab, then disable "Clip Capture".

Error Code RMN40

Cause: Windows XP SP3 required.

Instructions: Simply download and install.

Warning: The download is over 300MB and the installation can take up to an hour.

Be careful! This issue can also occur in Vista if you are running Steam in XP compatibility mode.

Error Code MMA10

Cause: Rockstar Social Club

Note: Also try the "Social Club Fatal Error" solution (below).

Solution: Simply log out of the Social Club before playing GTAIV. To sign out, click the "Log Out" button below your username int he Social Club window

Notes: If you wish to play multiplayer, simply minimize GTAIV, log into the the Social Club, then maximize GTAIV once more. Multiplayer will work just fine.

Games for Windows Live Issues

download the latest one !

Graphics Restrictions

TA Steam Command Lines

Just had a thought about this and in theory it should work

Step 1) Open Steam Games List

Step 2) Right Click GTA IV and select 'Properties'

Step 3) Select 'Launch Options'

from there you can use the command lines to tweak the game

Ive got the retail version myself, and i use the following command lines

-width 1280 -height 1024 -shadowdensity 0 -viewdistance 10 -texturequality 0 -renderquality 0 -detailquality 10 -nomemrestrict

the full list of command lines are listen below



-benchmark: Runs the benchmark tool and immediately exits game.

-help: Display list of all command line options


-renderquality: Set the render quality of the game. (0-4)

-shadowdensity: Set the shadow density of the game. (0-16)

-texturequality: Set the texture quality of the game. (0-2)

-viewdistance: Set the view distance of the game (0-99)

-detailquality: Set the detail quality of the game. (0-99)

-novblank: Disable wait for vblank (No Vsync)

-norestrictions: Do not limit graphics settings

-width: Set width of main render window (default is 800)

-height: Set height of main render window (default is 600)

-safemode: Run the graphics in the lowest setting possible

-frameLimit: Limit frame to interval of refresh rate

(ex If refreshrate is 60HZ –frameLimit 1 = Locks down to 60HZ)

-refreshrate: Set the refresh rate of main render window

– Warning - Monitor must support (ex. –refreshrate 60)

-fullscreen: Force fullscreen mode

-windowed: Force windowed mode

-availablevidmem: Set amount of physical Video Memory(ex. –availablevidmem 0.9)

-percentvidmem: Percentage of video memory to make available to GTA


-fullspecaudio: Force high-end CPU audio footprint

-minspecaudio: Force low-end CPU audio footprint


-noprecache: Disable precache of resources

-nomemrestrict: Disable memory restrictions


Buggy Sound / White Noise

Cause: Old sound card drivers.

Notes: Only seems to affect Realtek Onboard Audio.

Solution: Download the latest drivers

"Router Too Strict / NAT"

Cause: Firewall.

Solution: Add GTA to your Firewall exclusions list (Win XP/ Win Vista), and forward the following ports:


TCP/UDP 3074

Social Club Fatal Error

download the latest version of .net framework along with SP1

This Game is Currently Unavailable...

Cause: Obselete version of Visual C++.

Solution: Download the latest version depending on your OS


Cause: Registry bug.


1) Click Start

2) Click Run / Vista users simply need to type into the "Search" box

3) Type: regedit


5) Scroll down and locate "SOFTWARE" then expand it

6) Scroll down and locate "Rockstar Games" then expand it

7) Click on "Grand Theft Auto IV"

8) Locate your key in the right quadrant

Error At Main Menu]

Cause: Outdated Adobe Flash.

Solution: Download and install Latest FLash drivers for both IE and FF

"The Application Has Failed To Launch"

Cause: Bug when downloading GTAIV through Steam.

Credit: SmileSkill


1) Manually navigate to the Steam folder

2) Open "SteamApps"

3) Open "Common"

4) Open "Grand Theft Auto IV"

5) Open the "RGSC" folder

6) Double click "RGSCLauncher"

7) Click back

8) Open "GTAIV"

9) Double click "LaunchGTAIV.exe"

After completing these steps, GTAIV should launch successfully whether you open through Steam or "LaunchGTAIV.exe"

Game Pad Not Working

Cause: Rockstar.


1) Download this

2) Navigate to your SYSTEM32 directory (C:\Windows\System32)


- xinput1_3.dll

- xinput1_2.dll

- xinput1_1.dll

- xinput9_1_0.dll

3) Extract the contents of the archive to your SYSTEM32 directory (C:\Windows\System32)

4) Start playing GTAIV with your controller

SecuROM Launcher Has Stopped Working

Cause: You are running the D3DOverrider application that comes with RivaTuner.

Solution: Disable/Uninstall the D3DOverrider application.

Lack of Motion Blur

Cause: The depth of field / motion blur filter is disabled by default.

Solution: Press the "P" button on your keyboard while in game to enable and disable the filter.

@ CREDITS TO Ramzy GTA Forums i did a bit editin too :)

will keep on adding more as i find :)
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joy1 said:
Great post mate , so you're playing on max settings on a 8800GT at 1680x1050 , smoothly.

nope thats not my card .
i`ll play tomorrow mornin myself. have kept my PC ready and updated with all necessary tweaks to run the game....

My retail copy is gona reach on sunday... hence downloadin the P version

my rig is here : like in my sig

E6400 1.4v @ 3.2Ghz, Abit IP-35 Pro, Axeram DDR2-960Mhz 4X1 GB , ATI 4870 , Dell 3008WFP:2408WFP:3007WFP, WD 1.2TB, Logitech Z5500, MX-518, XBOX 360 controller, Wireless K/M, HP 1350 AIO, LG 20x, CM 690 Cabby, CM Extreme 600,Nokia N82, APC BI1000i 1KV inverter , Sony DSC-H3 Camera.
W00t the patch is on the way conifrmed b R*

We've been reading the forums and understand that several of you are experiencing difficulties with Grand Theft Auto IV PC, and we are committed to doing everything we can to help resolve these troubles. We are working on a number of solutions, outlined below, and over the next few days we will be responding to questions posed on this forum in an effort to get your game up and running as quickly as possible. Please continue to check the list below for updates.

Driver News

We’re pleased to announce that in co-operation with Nvidia a new driver has been released that improves performance and fixes a major issue with 7900 series cards. If you haven’t gotten the driver yet download it here: Grand Theft Auto IV by Rockstar Games

ATI has also agreed to officially release Catalyst 8.12 which will release on Dec 10th from The Ultimate Experience for Gaming | GAME.AMD.COM. Expect significant performance improvements when using this new driver.

Patch Is On The Way

We are working on making a patch available in the next few days. Since Grand Theft Auto IV is a Games For Windows – Live game the patch must be certified by Microsoft before release. The patch is already at Microsoft and we expect a speedy approval.

The patch contains a variety of fixes including:

-A fix to the crash after legal screen that some German customers were reporting.

-Numerous improvements to the video editor: Smarter naming of videos, improved rendering quality, better fx during replays

-Fix to bowling while using certain sensitive mice

-Fix for ATI 1900 shadows

-Overall savings to memory

-Graphic improvements to particle systems and mirrors

-Multiplayer character settings are preserved

-Support for DirectInput controller

Note: The current hack way of supporting these controllers may not work with the improved functionality. So we recommend you remove the hack before upgrading to the patch.

Issues with power management software have also been fixed (slow speed, double speed issues). Even after the patch comes out setting power management software to maximum performance is recommended. We’ve seen cases where power management software does not detect the game is running and puts the CPU in green mode.

Besides the patch we’ve also improved the way the Social Club handles data this should have greatly reduced or eliminated the Mma10 error. If you are still receiving this error after logging in and out of Social Club we would like to know as much info as you can about it.[/B]

Information Needed For Troubleshooting

We want everyone to experience Grand Theft Auto IV on the PC the way it was intended. To that end, we will continue to monitor the forums for any and all issues users are having, and respond whenever possible. We would greatly appreciate it if people with unresolved problems could post some information about their PC configuration in this thread for us. Please include the following information:

-Where exactly in the game you experienced the issue (start screen, while playing the game, etc.)

-What version of the game you have (retail, steam, other online store)

-What is your OS

-Benchmark info or DxDiag is also helpful

Rockstar Games Social Club Application Info

Due to the high volume of new Social Club users, some users may have experienced periods of time where they are unable to log into their Social Club account using the Rockstar Games Social Club application. If you are unable to log in using the Rockstar Games Social Club application, please skip the login process by clicking "Skip Login" or run in offline mode by clicking "Start in Offline Mode". This is meant as a temporary solution to allow users to play GTA IV PC, so please continue to periodically retry your login as we are working hard to promptly address any lapses in service.

A small number of users have reported the Rockstar Games Social Club application encountering a fatal error, preventing them from playing GTA IV PC. One possible solution is to uninstall the .NET Framework (from Add/Remove Programs) and reinstall it by downloading it from If you continue to run into fatal errors in the Rockstar Games Social Club application, please contact Rockstar Games support.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to work around the clock to resolve these issues. Support updates will continue to be posted at Rockstar Games - Support Home as soon as they are available, and we will update this thread with any new information as well. Please send any inquiries about non-support issues to


Rockstar Games
guys I installed teh game :)

my advice to u all :

install all 3rd party applications before u install the game !!

like :

1:adobe flash both for IE/Firefox

2: .net Latest with service pack

3: Make ur account @ both Games for windows live and rockstar social cluB

4: install latest directx from microsoft... just do it.. it will update ur PC with latest runtime.

5: install latest driver for ur Audio Device/Graphic Device. (nvida-180.xx, Ati- 8.12 beta RC3)

6: install latest version of Visual C++ and install

7: Finally I started installing game. there also it gives unique errors like not recognising the 2nd disk or askin for CAB-4 which does not exist. then the solution for the same is to Copy DATA from all 2 disk in one folder of the Hard drive and install from there.....

8: play the game in the settings it has judged for u but change resolution to 1680*1050

9: avoid running fraps while playing GTA4

10: Windows Vista Users can change their appearance to Basic to gain a 2-3 more FPS

1: ATI users can enable anti-aliasing from their Catalyst Center . set it at 2

Credits Dingemini312/Dinesh Malhotra/Me :P


initially i wasted too much of my time in tweakin things up.

but later found that atleast until there is no patch, let the game decide what is best for u.

i get avg fps of 37 with min of 25 to max of 42

the game does look better/same to the console version. i have played the xbox360 version @ my nearest gaming parlours for almost 11-14 hrs, hence i can consider myself apt to gauge that.

the game is just loveable..... i have already played it for 6-7hrs and its PURE.....

buy it guys.. its still worth it :)
Hey Dinesh, I dont knw why.. but I can't register to Rockstar Social Club..

After filling all the information, while submitting it say to recheck all the information...
How did u guys get it early , is it released , or is it the *ahem* version.

If it is released , then Vijay I know you have exams but try to send it asap.
its the ahem version i am playin... but i have preordered my copy of GTA4 thru VJ...

its worth it. the game is just superb except for the minor/major glitches.... but its still the best game of the year :)
Rahulrulez said:
Hey Dinesh, I dont knw why.. but I can't register to Rockstar Social Club..

After filling all the information, while submitting it say to recheck all the information...
Someone Answer this question please :S
Copy this file in your GTA IV installed folder so that u can max out all details :)

dont worry if it gives resources exceeded warning ;) its for tp :P


GTA-4 control and keyboard settings..

keyboard/mouse settings is easy to map but there is a prob if u are using a xbox 360 controller i.e if u try to look at the option provided in the game to see which button is for what purpose. it comes in flip flap and u cant see wat it wants to show u :P (err... how do i put it.... :P )

just download the attachment given below :D


A very IMPORTANT tweak LATEST ..

i discovered this myself while going some keeda kandi with the game :P

trick is:

1: copy the attached file into ur GTA IV directory

2: under the graphic settings of the game select resolution to 1680*1050 or anything lower

3: Texture quality HIGH .. very important ( do not change this )

4: Render quality HIGH or highest if frames dont drop

5: View Distance to 30-40

6: Detail Distance to 30

6: Shadows to 0 (they are useless in GTA anyway)

dont give heed to what the game says about the ram exceeding sheet...

just play. avoid using fraps while playing :)

plz check my signature for my rig specs

and this is what i got !!


Average FPS: 36.04

Duration: 37.09 sec

CPU Usage: 95%

System memory usage: 60%

Video memory usage: 100%

Graphics Settings

Video Mode: 1920 x 1200 (60 Hz)

Texture Quality: High

Render Quality: High

View Distance: 32

Detail Distance: 50


Microsoft® Windows Vista" Ultimate

Service Pack 1

Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

Video Driver version:

Audio Adapter: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz


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