GTA SA Hangs

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Hey guys, My sys config is AXP 2400+, 512MB DDR400, Radeon 9800pro on Cats 5.6. The game hangs every 2 mins or so, this doesnt happen with other games. And whenever the game hangs the VPU Recover thing is triggered. Any Idea what can be done abt it?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have disabled aa/af, although the game ran fine the first day when it was set at 4x/8x...
Disable VPU recover. I think that option is there. Atleast older cats had that if i rememebr correctly.
On my 9800XT it used to cause some problems.
Happens with me too, on a Radeon 9600Pro and XP-SP2. For me, disabling VPU recovery was completely counter productive, the system hangs with an audio loop and needs a power reset (not even ctrl-alt-del). If I leave VPU on, the game atleast responds after a few seconds. :S
It could be the bug which prevents creation of proper save states caused by certain user account names under windows, resulting in a crash.
[Mod Edit] No discussion of cracks !
Do u have XP with SP2, Hooli ? If so, have to tried adding the gta_sa.exe to the exemption list in Data Execution Prevention ? Try adding it to the exempt list and restart the comp. and try playing the game.
saumilsingh said:
It could be the bug which prevents creation of proper save states caused by certain user account names under windows, resulting in a crash.

I rented out a u know what copy(Hoodlum), have been using that since the beginning, yest night I installed latest Omegas, and the game ran fine without aa/af, the moment I turned on AA in game(to 1) it currently playing with omega based on cat5.6 without aa/af...
and I am using XP SP1..
same problem with me, using p4 2.8 HT, I 865 and 9800 pro, cay 5.6 installed. there seems to be some issue when u crank up the AA/AF
i'm having the same cats 5.6

maybt this game hates ATi.......

i got all sorta while playing suddenly i got a blue screen...just blue screen at 640x480 res, i play game @ 1024x768......
even if i exit correctly, it'll stick to 1024x768, my desk, resolution is 1600x1200......
then played again, monitor goes suddenly out of range.....
Yeah all that talk about ATI drivers being better and this.ATi can only be a pretender to the throne never the king.Thats the harsh truth.
Lol this is frikkin annoying, I have to play every mission 5-6 times, the game crashes everytime I am about to save the game after I finish a mission :(
Ho0ligaN said:
Lol this is frikkin annoying, I have to play every mission 5-6 times, the game crashes everytime I am about to save the game after I finish a mission :(
Hooli set agp speed to agp 4x and disable fast writes. Also disable that VPU recovery thing.
I'm using a Sapphire 9800Pro, on an AXP 2600+ and A7n8x-x with 1gig of ram. Facing no probs with GTA SA. I had downloaded the patch which saumilsingh mentioned. Try that hooli, should work.

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