Graphic Cards GTS 250 or GTS 450 or HD 5770

Mr. @55

I am currently using a 8400GT on Abit IP35e mobo and looking to upgrade to a new graphics card. I have a couple of questions however:

1. Can I use any of 250,450 GTS or 5770 with my current mobo Abit IP35e? AFAIK my mobo has PCIE 1 and these cards require PCIE 2 - will this cause an issue? Also the cards looks awfully large. I am not sure if I can fit these gigantic (compared to my 8600GT) card in my current mobo.

2.I have stiil not decided whether to go with GTS 450 or HD 5770 - please help me decide guys :ashamed:.
1. Ofcourse you can. Don't worry about that, you shouldn't face any issues.
2. I say go for HD5770 for slightly better performance and better less power consumption.

However, one issue you might have is with you power supplier / smps. Which power supplier do you have installed in your PC at the moment?
Thanks for reminding me the SMPS factor. I have a CM 450W SMPS with me. I am not really planning to upgrade my SMPS any time soon.
5770 is a better card.,it performs somewhat the same,but is faster is some games,and consumes lesser power than the 450,dont even consider the 250.
HD 5770 is better than GTS 250 I have used both to play the current tittle ..sold off the GTS 250 and got the HD 5770 and its worth the buy.. am playing @ 1024x1280