Graphic Cards GTS 250 or HD 5750.

Ok then, the same decision to drop 5xxx. But a general question. Can a 5750 be crossfired with 5770?
Another one, core i5 is not there on the website of theitwares. Will he deal with it if ordered?
Oh. Saw an article regarding socket 1156 at anandtech about burning problem. So, thinking if buying an i5 is a wise choice or not.
Should i think of Phenom II X4 and Core2Quad or stay with i5?
^^^ Phenom II X4 rocks....for gaming it's more than enuf....

also u get a better mobo for the same price @ 7k instead of an entry level P55 board...
nvidia10 said:
Oh. Saw an article regarding socket 1156 at anandtech about burning problem. So, thinking if buying an i5 is a wise choice or not.
Should i think of Phenom II X4 and Core2Quad or stay with i5?

Tomshardware has already went past 4ghz oc on P55 without any burns .

It turned out that the motherboard already had over-current protection built-in, and ASRock had simply neglected it in the BIOS, believing that average overclockers wouldn't need it. A BIOS update to version 1.80 was the sole requirement to fix the P55 Pro, and ASRock even had Newegg ship a retail sample from its normal stock to prove this.

Mobo bios max voltage was set at 1.80v default keeping in mind that extreme overclockers would not need it . Now a bios revision ti 1.80v has been issued and no harm has been detected so far .

Step 1: Finding The Overclocking Limits - Review Tom's Hardware : Core i7-870 Overclocking And Fixing Blown P55-Based Boards

Step 3: Evaluating The Solutions - Review Tom's Hardware : Core i7-870 Overclocking And Fixing Blown P55-Based Boards
Has that not been reported with any board other than AsRock?
I had thought of MSI P55 GD65 due to the lovely features it offers at that price. But came to know that the board doesn't work with few PSUs.
Is there any other board which supports Crossfire + SLI at x8, x8 within 10k?
LOL I play GTA4 @ medium settings view distance 50 on 7800GTX 512MB DDR3:eek:hyeah:

Anything above HD 4850(1gb for GTA) is overkill for the resolution u are playing at.

Which processor are u using?
Gowt1ham said:
LOL I play GTA4 @ medium settings view distance 50 on 7800GTX 512MB DDR3:eek:hyeah:

Anything above HD 4850(1gb for GTA) is overkill for the resolution u are playing at.

Which processor are u using?

I'm planning of getting Core i5 750.
i recomend 5750. i were try both of them. GTS250 is G92 3 year old GPU, hot and noise, and almost OC ~max. the score same or more than 5750 a bit (4-6% on game) but some is lower than 5750. so try 5750 and feel :)

im + 5750 8k beat gts250 (vantage)
GTS250 3dmark 06 13k5 vs 5750 14k.
believe me try GTS250 u'll disapointing.