Graphic Cards GTX 200 Vs RV770 - Architecture Review

_pappu_ said:
^^COD4 is ok at normal resolutions....but when you go up to 30inch screens with AA, it does become demading...infact anything with AA above 1680X1050 its a hog

go try it on your system too :)

crysis is unfair as a benchmark because it doesnt scale on multi gpus(most games nowadays do) and ofcourse you have the developed in conjunction with nvidia shit

and coming to WIC, it is largely cpu limited i think(not sure though)

Yep I do agree, but its also a port, so another reason, I dont want to consider it as a serious benchmarking tool.

Crysis does scale well in SLI actually look at that the AT link for SLI, its pretty good!! Also wont you give credit to Nvidia for that, for throwing in money so that a game can run better on their cards? Isn't it really good as a Nvidia customer to hear that a company is doing this for their customers? I would be glad, when a game comes out which has the Nvidia logo on it, knowing its optimized for my cards! :)

I bet if this was done by ATI, a ati fanboi, would put this in every post lol :p
@ i_max We love arguing. Don't we? :)

So your saying that Crysis is as bad as a benchmark as 3D Mark 06 is? Hats off sir :clap: , I dont think there's a point in arguing anymore, with my limited info, I wonder why so many forums have crysis leaderboard even though crysis is just a game, I dont really remember if any game ever has achieved this status! Man and I kept thinking crysis was the most demanding game right now, shoot!

If leaderboard is everything, I believe 3D Mark 06 is the best benchmark to test a card because there are umpteen number of forums using 3D Mark for their leaderboards.

GeForce GTX 280 SLI Dual | Triple review test

GeForce GTX 280 SLI Dual | Triple review test Scroll down to see A SLI and in the next link a tri SLI both in very playble framerates, @ 25x16 we dont really need AA, and with both setups enabling AF shouldn't have a huge hit.

SLI of GTX280 is churning out 27 FPS at 2560x1600 when we are at Beach. You have played this game... do you really think that this setup will render playable FPS at climax with these settings.

Tri-SLI... I give in. And you get another candy. But this candy costs at least $1200 :)

Are you serious? I installed COD4 on my laptop, and I could max it out on my laptop's default resolution and I bought my laptop like 2 yrs back (c2d 2ghz, 7900gtx). So well if you still say its demanding.

7900GTX is no slouch for a 17" screen. It's a flagship card of previous generation. No wonder you can max out CoD4 on a 17" screen.

But you can't say same for owners of 8600GT & Company. And till five to six months back there were not many games that could not be maxed out on a 17" with 8600GT.

And for ET QW here are some numbers from AT @ 2560x1600 with 4x AA

SLI 280 - 124.1

single 280 - 70.2

4870CF - 64.1

4850CF - 53.7

And here are ET QW numbers from HC @ 2560x1600 with 4x AA

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

4870 C: 103

4850C: 86

GTX280: 76

So take your pick!

Also tell me one game where SLI fails and there are a few games where CF doesn't work. If it scales it scales very well, but SLI scales in almost all games that I have seen.

Well, you could have said this six months back but now I don't think it holds true. In last few months Crossfire has made some very impressive gains and it's only growing.

Moreover, slightly of the topic, SLI means an expensive platform of crippled 780i and 790i mobos. With Crossfire you get a system based on X38 and X48, which is not only more viable (read cheaper) but also a better performing setup.

Its not so, they very well know about either cards, but as I mentioned for such resolutions the best bet is 280 sli and NOT a 4870CF! Or lets put it this way, for any situation if a SLI 280 wont do it, 4870CF with a higher probability wont either!

SLI is more power, but at what cost. Is it viable (cost\performance)? And if you don't consider the cost involved a factor, why stop at only SLI. Why not take a Skulltrail system and put two 9800GX2 or two 4870X2. Even if SLI or Crossfire doesn't kick in, this is still the full-proof consumer grade system that you can get to play games.

And i totally forgot power consumption u did mention it somewhere, check any review GT200 is way better than any 48XX in terms of power consumption!

Only at Idle. At full load, 4870 equals to GTX260. In fact, in most reviews it draws less power than GTX260. GTX 280 is always the most hungry.


my 8600gt can run cod4 at highest settings,with 4xAA/16xAF on my 17inch screen :)

the game becomes a real load on the gpu at higher resolutions
_pappu_ said:
my 8600gt can run cod4 at highest settings,with 4xAA/16xAF on my 17inch screen :)
the game becomes a real load on the gpu at higher resolutions

But my vanilla 8600GT can't max it for me. My Screen res is 1440X900.
_pappu_ said:

my 8600gt can run cod4 at highest settings,with 4xAA/16xAF on my 17inch screen :)

the game becomes a real load on the gpu at higher resolutions

cpu dependent?

could u run a coupla quick benchies with cod4 like you and gaymer did for GRID?
Morgoth didn't bother reading your rather long post except the part about 3D Mark 2006 being a "leaderboard" benchmark. I don't think theoretical benchies will ever become indications of performance.

I mean 100% of DX 9 SM 3 shaders in a game? You gotta be kidding right?

^^^WIC is not only CPU limited its one of the few multi core optimised games. When I say multi here, I mean more than 2.
hey dudes. the gtx 280 is faster compared to 4870...but the 4870 is what we call value for money.....the rate at which graphics cards are getting outdated these days 4870 would be the best bet.
sTALKEr said:
yup.. and he runs it at 2g..

our boy pappu on the other hand has a 2140 running at 3g

That's my stupid mobo... you know, I am the n00b who came in from the cold :eek:hyeah:

@Punjab. CPU bottleneck is definitely possible.
SidhuPunjab said:
COD4 is very CPU dependent. iirc Morgoth has E4400 ??
very true. COD4 is heavy CPU Limited. Increasing cpu clock rate of 33% yeilds average of 25% Performance boost..Crysis on otherhand is more GPU & less CPU dependent..
muzux2 said:
very true. COD4 is heavy CPU Limited. Increasing cpu clock rate of 33% yeilds average of 25% Performance boost..Crysis on otherhand is more GPU & less CPU dependent..

A fact which is evident from the quantity of textures VS shaders in the both the games, as well as the eye candy, which is even more obvious.

I'd still say CrossfireX needs more reliable results across the entire gamut of latest titles.
^^ further, Crysis is heavy ALU Speed dependent esp. Shader Clock. Thatz why NV Cards slighty favour crysis benches..:eek:hyeah:
sTALKEr said:
cpu dependent?

could u run a coupla quick benchies with cod4 like you and gaymer did for GRID?

its gamer dammit:p
cod4 is a b**ch on my card,1680x1050 had to put down AA to get it out of 20fps minimas.
cod4 isn't that cpu dependant,but has a very high vram requirement if you turn up the settings,iirc even higher than crysis at 1280x1024,crysis with AA takes over at higher res tho
Call of Duty 4 v1.4 - Tom's Hardware : GPU vs. CPU Upgrade: Extensive Tests

and the game is nvidia optimised,my 3870 sucks at it,as usual:p ,but the CF scaling in this game is frigging huge,most reviews state that its even greater than 100%.:S