Graphic Cards GTX280 Vs 4850 X2

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It is clear that the resolution of 2560x1600 pixels is a summit Nvidia’s single-PCB solutions are yet to conquer. This task lies with the upcoming dual-processor GeForce GTX 295. The current flagship GeForce GTX 280 ensures good speed in some games but is unable to compete with the Radeon HD 4850 X2. The Sapphire HD 4850 X2 is about 27% faster than the Leadtek WinFast GTX 280 on average but there were problems with bottom speed in Far Cry and the second GPU did not work in Dead Space.

ATI Radeon HD 4850 X2 vs. Nvidia GeForce GTX 280: Decisive Battle (page 18) - X-bit labs
i got the x2 and its awesome , running all games at max settings and full AA :D overclocked to 755 core / 2450 mem stable already , will post some benchmarks soon :)
RoBoGhOsT said:
i got the x2 and its awesome , running all games at max settings and full AA :D overclocked to 755 core / 2450 mem stable already , will post some benchmarks soon :)

then huury man..also post some SS with massive AA:hap2:
Way too long at 11.75 inches. Correct me Roboghost. And won't fit the CM690s.:P

And how good than the GTX285s?

Pls also post the temps.:rofl:
Idle temps are 32-34 , load 52-55C , i have removed the cover so that side panel fan blowing directly on the 2 gpu heatsinks , they are almost same size heatsinks as 45nm quad :rofl: , great temps , though fan is little loud . overclocked to 755 core and temps still under 65 C .
it fit my zebby antibiotic :P , its 11inch . so will fit in cm690 for sure .
nice pwnage there by HD4850x2 yet again, i had underestimated this card a bit, but now im convinced how great this card performs ^^
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