Guide Guide: Restore iPod/iPhone firmware on iTunes Alternative method.

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I wanted to install OS 3.1.1 on my iPod touch. I had firmware files which've been downloaded on my friend's PC, those were in IPSW format.

I tried to restore them on my iPod with iTunes 8.x using usual way i.e. Shift + Restore.. But omg.... iTunes 8.x disabled the Shift+Restore (as far in Windows Vista), so I couldn't install any custom firmware in iPod or iTouch..

This is the trick, using we can restore the firmware from custom/untouched IPSW files..

- click on Start.

- Search for appdata

- Open appdata folder.

- appdata\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates (for iPhone it would be iPhone Software Updates)

- paste your IPSW file in this folder.

- Go to iTunes and click on restore

- It will allow you to skill download firmware stage and install the existing file available in iPod Software Updates folder..

That's simple like 1,2,3 but yet effective when your iTunes doesn't recognize Shift + Restore method..
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