User Guides Guide to pro Deagleing

The Gun

First of all a little about the "deagle", as it is fondly known in CS circles. It has .45 caliber bullets and a clip size of 7. So you have at your disposal a pistol which can kill 7 people with 7 headshots, if used properly. This property also lends to the fact that it is dubbed a newbie gun. As well, you are playing scrims and pubs to get more and faster kills dont you? So why stick to a USP just because you feel more manly with it? Hell run around with a scout.......... :rofl:

The Facts

Upfront, the pistol is one of the most inaccurate guns possibles. At times it so happens that you place xhair square on the head of the opponent and shoot 7 bullets, and all of the bullets miss the target. It is also possible that you can get single bullet kills from across CT-spawn in de_dust2. Its all about control.

The Tricks

  • First and foremost, adjust your cl_crosshairscale so that the xhair becomes small enough to be able to aim heads quicky and efficiently. Keyboard/mouse binds to dynamically change crosshairscale when using deagles are very handy as very small xhair may be detrimental when using rifles and spraying.
  • Just fire up the game and run about with a deagle. Just shoot while running. What do you see? The first bullet from the pistol while running or just after running is dead accurate. So if you are blessed with quick reflexes thats you best bet to kill people. Spot them and lock on while running and shoot their brains out.
  • What about the shots where you have a little time (meaning you spot the enemy looking some other way. More often than not you are not able to shoot the guy at sight) or your aim is a little below the head? Here the jump-shoot comes extremely handly. Just get the xhair near to the head. Press jump key (space usually) and shoot before the character has actually lifted from air. This manuever fools the CSS engine to think that you were moving while shooting the first shot and thus you get the added accuracy to boot.
  • DRAG SHOTS! You heard it right. I am sure many have sometime or the other come accross this but never actually given it the due attention. It is part of the code which runs the CSS game. All pistols, awp, scout....... all are affected by this equally. When you shoot a target after having dragged your xhair to it instead of the xhair being static, you get "added' accuracy. This is one of the features of CSS where they are trying to reward people who try to control recoil. So always try to drag in the first shot and then move and shoot. If you must stay still, then "CROUCH" and go for headie. Remember, pistols shoot as fast as you can shoot them. So it is very essential for you to obtain a proper rhythem with the firing rate. Too fast and all bullets go astray. Medium speed and control of the xhair and you have a gun as powerful as the malicious ak47.

Hope this was of help.


^^ Thats for Source btw.

In 1.6, move around and Shoot, like Shoot while your Strafing, Bullets go straight to the Head.

Also, if you quick switch form an AK to a Deagle in 1.6, and shoot the Deagle bullet very fast, it shoots 2 Bullets @ the price of one.

Anyways, What was the use of this thread? :S.
Nice one there vun... Next time you get pwned by a Degle make sure it inst LagMan holding it...

Serioulsy mice info on the wepons there... Post some more... How about AK, M41,Scout and the much taked about AWP...
Yes good work but keep adding :D

I want a guide on using the Magnum Sniper rifle properly, especially quickening reload times, can anybody help ?
Whats there to learn in that... just hit quickswitch default button "q" 2 times quickley as soon as you shoot....
P.S. Its commanly known as AWP and Vun is a AWP Whore :bleh: :eek:hyeah: :bleh:...
stormblast said:
all these guides are a waste of time.
just keep playing with someone who is better than you to improve your game.

yes this is true you play with noobs you will always be noob :p
stormblast said:
all these guides are a waste of time.
just keep playing with someone who is better than you to improve your game.

man...... seriously report this thread to mods as spam or something......... useless thread.......... :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

*for the uninitiated, this is a subtle form of sarcasm*