guy hammers the nokia 920 and screen doesn't break

This is quickly becoming an internet meme. Hammers, knives, run over by a car, dropped to concrete, put into ovens etc. The only place the Lumia 920 didn't survive was a battering from AK47. (Actually, it almost did... they had to attach explosives to it to make it disintegrate.)

Unfortunately the tame apple press fails to recognize this at all and instead rant on how it is too heavy to consider. I am concerned Nokia will take this overwhelming criticism to heart and knock out less durable chassis just to hit weight targets.

The 7 best Nokia Lumia 920 memes so far – Nokia Conversations : the official Nokia blog
The video is impressive to say the least but I find the that the phone is too thick for my taste. Maybe it will feel different in hand but Samsung has spoilt me with their thin designs.