Linux Guys help me to execute a java program on linux

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triple s

I am using Fedora 9......... As i want to execute the programs of Java(Core or advance), will it be helpfull......... or i have to go for another option???

Actually i don't know the compilation and execution commands yet,but still tell me......

Is it necessary to change the version or type of platform???

And also if anybody knows the commands for compiling and executing a java program, please do post a link here.....
javac To create the bytecode

java class To run the bytecode

Should work provided the required packages for java development are installed.
type javac in the shell, if you get some output, java is installed properly if you get command not found , you may need java.

And check the version by java -version.

And the command for compiling and execution are given above by thinkfree.

Is it necessary to change the version or type of platform???

i don't think so.
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