Guys Will be missing you all

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Hi Guys

From Today or Tommorow dont know exactly there will be no Net Access for me at Home.

No Net Renewals since i will be having my G.R.E. Exam in July Last Week.

So i will get access t onet either from a cybercafe or British Library.

I will not be able to be in touch with the forums
Dont know how will i survive without net.

Cant say but will also renew it if i feel that i can strike a balance with studies
and Net.

Guy i want to also attend the TE Meet , XT Confirm me for TE Meet.
@ XT - you have my contacts will you SMS me or Call me to confirm the day
for TE Meet.

Will miss a lot of Action from Tommorow. :(

@Funky - Check ur PM.
What happened to your special post??? Was supposed to be the 1000th.... You are now at 1100.

Anyway, all the best for your exams...... Keep in touch.....
Special post , dont know will make it or not.
Currently its just half way thru , i was not at home so did not have time.
Today also i will be out for the whole day.

Well will try my best to get my net running if i can study with my net on.
Thanks to All in Advance.

Currently i have to concentrate on my GRE a good score of 1250[or above] of 1600
Will help me get in a nice university in US.

Guys also wanted ur opinion to finalize my GPU here
ASUS or LeadTek or Gainward 6600GT PCI-E x16

All those guys who want to contact me can PM me i will try to check TE from outside.
I have space for 57PM's

Dont know about special post will be able to make it or not.
its time for me to say bye bye too :D

my exams start from wont come here that often :D
all the best dudes ...... hey u guys can come at least for 1/2 hours exams are goin on ....... but i give some times to studies ooops some time to net........
best of luk for your studies quad..........btw u doing BE frm which college...i jus completed my papers frm pvpp comps.......btw ill miss your post and topics...on both forums.....nyways study hard........tak care
Yeah Quad, will miss you and all the best.

Even time for me to ease off TE a bit, college along with JEE coaching has started...
Quad's Review of the phillips DivX player was the best Ive read in a long time.
Took me a whole day to read that....
Hopefully quad can study hard and get into a good university in the US and then he can write BIG BIG reviews of the hardware in the US(Plenty of them!!!)

For now, all the best mate and to all others who have their exams and stuff.

For GRE Aspirants:

Concentrate on the Verbal Section, I repeat VERBAL!!

Regards and Study Hard,
bosky101 said:
all the best,and i htink that dvd guide was pretty special,worthy of a 1000'th post ... see ya :)
Thanks for ur compliments.
I didnt knew u guys loved it so much.

Thanks a lot guys.
Dont know how will i survive without TE.

Will login weekly from some place or the other.
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