Mac OS Hackintosh - possible?.

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Hi friends, I have a spare PC with me now. Wanted to experience mac OS since long but never had the opportunity. I wanted to know if Hackintosh is possible on it. The processor is quite slower than the i5's and i7's so am not sure.
Here is my configuration, 1. Gigabyte E350N USB 3 ( amd fusion combo, motherboard and processor amd e350 ).
2. 4 Gb Corsair Value Ram
3. 500 Gb WD Hdd

I guess these are the only ones that matter. The amd processor is comparable to intel atom but with much better integrated graphics. Am not really sure how to go about it, I did read some guides but I dont have detailed information. I am not sure if my PC will be supported by multi beast drivers or my processor is supported or not.

Thanks, do share whatever you know.

- - - Updated - - -

No fellow Mac User/Lover interested in helping out?.
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