Halo3 Video Out

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hey all,

Halo 3 is coming to X360. The video is great....and amazing to watch....has anybody seen that video. its all gonna be revealed...hehehe:ohyeah:
chic_magnet said:
and there will be a halo2 pc version?? seriously?? wooohoooo!!!!!!

Dude! Eh!How could you miss news like tht,halo 2 is confirmed for the pc and will work only on vista and will be released somewhere next year.Hopefully it's release could be co-incided with vista's release or maybe not.
Well halo is the best there is on the xbox/360 platform. However on the PC platform it's just another shooter. And frankly speaking Crysis is gonna mow down anything in its path even the master chief :P
yeah Blad runner i totally agree with you on that.....chk out crysis videos....they are on the web....its making noise....its awesome man....anything's destroyable......like real world....man EA&Crytek are doin some gr8 work....for us....
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