Happy 2 b Here But i hv a Question !


Hi every1 i am glad to b a part of this wonderfull forum of india ...

i had a question regarding cellphone but do not see a section 2 post it ...

so can u kindly tellme where should i post it :)

i do not like to create SPAM or incorrect section posting !

thnx ,

lol ill hv loadz !!! ;)

i thought there will b a seperate REQUEST ZONE .. newayz its kool !!!

the reply was much more and faster than what i expected !!!

thnx ,

NeOx !
not just the replies

its been just 6 hrz i have joined !!!

my head is paining reading all those threads .....

the information provided is more than just MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

i have loaded my body's HD (brain) with whole lotta gyan in just 6 hrz !!!

dammmmmmmmmm !!!!
still 2 go !!!! ....