Happy Birthday Amol, rahulhbk !!!

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Haapppyyy buurrrdddaaayyyy to you !!!

Have a great day and a great year Amol and Rahul......

PS: Mohit, from next time, please make separate birthday threads..... I think we can grant at least that much to the people who were born on this day..... :)
happy birthday to you both.

happy birthday to you both.

i typed twice so that no one you feels neglected :P :D
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day- Amol and Rahulhbk!!

Someone owes me a huge treat and some goodies- in due course of time though- say a great soundcard, ...:rofl:
Hope you guys have a blast today... Amol, I think you already have a birthday gift from, don't you? lol
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