Happy Birthday to me!!

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Many many happy returns of da day(umm actually its night now lolz) !!!

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d'oh !

here i go....

haaaaapy burddayyyy tuuuuu yuuuuuuuu ... hope u have a funky ,memorable and awsemazing year ahead dude !

Thank you, thank you all.. I cant tell you how much it means to me. Being in a college with no hope of going out and celebrating. Watching crappy movies like Flushed Away and Happy Feet, doing the sickening assignments. :bleh:
Oh well thats life.. SO tonight I'll go treat myself (and a few others :|) with a nice dinner and save myself from the mess food for once.
Many happy returns of the day Ren

May all your (good) wishes come true :ohyeah:

Do not party. only study and do ur assignments properly :bleh:

Basically, have a nice time :D
Yo Happy Birthday dude! Have a great year ahead! :D

Dont forget, its Oprah Winfrey's birthday today too - so you could probably crash in on her party ;)
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