Happy birthday to our extremely eminent medpal

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Thank you very much NeuroDrone, Nikhil, Anish, zhopudey, rajshah, Udit, prash, ANP!!, madmonkey, Ank1t, Crazy_Eddy, bottle, Shakensoul, greenhorn, Kumar, iosoft, thexfactor, Wraith, ShareKhan, Dark Star, vij

for the time being have this cake.

@ANP!! : anytime drop me a ring come to my house for a party :D
Happy birthday to our resident medic.. :D

may u have a great year ahead of many to come and more free upgrades from companies :P
thanks cyberjunkie, hacker, bosky101.

when i thanked you switch was off so put your self on and you will receive it :P :rofl:
thanks quickfire, switch (hope you are turned on this time :P), systemic anamoly, josh deepak.
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