Thanks a lot, to all of TE.
Superczar > your soo right! quite lot of bumps ahead

Rio > Busy a bit with tutions though i visit Te regularly

evilution > you can well read my mind

sadly this year since no friends are here no real party..still might hit the bar a bit evening lets see.
Saiyan> hopefully

Udit > i want the car....

thx.and yeah hopefully will get in a college..
bikey > oh bikey nvm

thx for it

god bless you!
guys, not much fun this year huge problems ahead still its cool.
Thanks a lot everyone!!

Hopefully things will get better, i'm optimistic though seems unrealistic sometimes.
next TE meet anywhere the Beer is from me
but wont forget to party though...sadly no good clubs where i stay else i'd have went down there and simply..
say PLUR!