Tracer Bhaiya!!
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day!!
Wish you good health, great wealth, and immense prosperity and success to last a lifetime!!

p.s. Guys- if u hate me for any reason, this is the guy u want to ...!!
I tracked him down to TOI from all his previous contacts and was a total stranger to him- even pronounced his last name wrong the first time!!:ashamed:
Pakaoed him for hours at times on his cell even when he would be extremely busy with assignments!!:ashamed:
He gave me my first config for my rig and told me that i am not sure:O and got me onto TE!!:rofl:
(BTW, his config and the few others that i noted down from all the overwhelming guidance at TE, were just a few fractions apart!!)
I owe my 'more than good enough for me' rig and all you amazing TE pals to this guy!!
May his tribe increase exponentially and so does his health, wealth, joy and prosperity and ... whatever he desires!!
