Harassment in residential societies and spinning of news by the media

Isn't that against the constitution? The society can write whatever laws they can, but no law can take the rights of citizens and discriminate.

Found this article searching for those said laws: http://articles.economictimes.india...oenka-law-associates-jones-lang-lasalle-india

(Home owner here refers to the person who's staying in the society in a property he owns.)

Yes but society people gang up on the developers or landlords offering to sell/rent out their property to Muslims. The society people usually have their way this sadly.
If you have issues with the bye laws of your society.. You have ti take it up with the registrar and deputy registrar. Use court. Challenge the managing committee and dissolve it.
If you have issues with the bye laws of your society.. You have ti take it up with the registrar and deputy registrar. Use court. Challenge the managing committee and dissolve it.

Yes, that was the reply I was looking for. And some have done so in the example I've shown above, with judgements both from a High Court and one from the Supreme Court. Just because some society people gather and make bye-laws doesn't mean a citizen's constitutional rights are over-ridden.

A bye-law doesn't deny the person to have guests come over for a personal interview within the home, it is as much a personal activity as ****ing your wife/girlfriend in your home.
It's her fault that she's taken it so quietly. A typical JAANEDO attitude of we Indians.

1) take action against society
2) take action against the media that gave her names.. Drag them to the case of Defamation. It's surprising how stupidly she's mentioned her greiviences on Facebook. Come on!

Society can be also dragged into the case of conspirator behind her defamation. For all you know, somebody from the society could have pinched the media to associate her with the word prostitution. Also her past relationships with the society plays an important role. May be revenge was taken for some past grudge.
Societies cn have their bye laws. As I said they can be challenged. There are tons of clauses and acts under which power can be miss used or rightly used. CHALLENGE THEM if they are harming you!

Plus stop giving retard examples and comparing it with ****ING. this is a serious matter.

People also need to have society permission for a simple renovation process. Even that's inside your house? But things are not looked at it that way. Talk only if you know what you're taking about.

More than others it's Dipti Naval fault. What j's she expecting? People March on the road with candles? It's her fight. It's one of the most common issues in most of the societies in Mumbai. Her area falls under "K-West" ward if am not wrong.
It's her fight she has to fight it and not be emotional this way.
Are we going to discuss the personal life of her now? She didn't stand up, and that's her only mistake. Maybe she didn't want the hassle at first, and the media fiasco was due to journalists being unprofessional by not following the crux of the story reported earlier.

An ad in today's The Hindu, Bangalore edition.
Are we going to discuss the personal life of her now? She didn't stand up, and that's her only mistake. Maybe she didn't want the hassle at first, and the media fiasco was due to journalists being unprofessional by not following the crux of the story reported earlier.

An ad in today's The Hindu, Bangalore edition.
What personal life of hers did I bring up?

Society just for one community is a different topic. There are areas in kandivali where you'll get jains only. You won't get even an egg in the shops there. Limits cross when you get refused by shops for asking mosquito repellents.

So the above mentioned paper cut out is different.

Have you not heard about Parsi colony..?

Even today there are societies where you are not allowed to eat non veg. And it's maintained very strictly.

There are also societies where bachelors are not allowed to buy house or take one in rent or give on rent to a bachelor. Why not point these things too?

You can't just blame media. They type shit all the time. They are big time trollers. The question is what the heck are you doing when you're victimized? You can't sit in some isolated house being a bechara and posting on Facebook. Just ridiculous.

Also one more thing.. Why the hell was she scared when Secy of the society threatened her for calling cops?

You know what? Instead of being threatened, if nothing was wrong, she should have called cops upfront by launching an fir against the person that called her.
You know what? Instead of being threatened, if nothing was wrong, she should have called cops upfront by launching an fir against the person that called her.

She wasn't brave, I know, but that doesn't mean she is the one who asked for it. Sometimes people just want to avoid the hassle, even if it means stepping down and conforming to the loud mouths. Just imagine, a personal interview in your home was the cause for all this debate.

And what's wrong with posting on a social network? It makes her share with the fans and friends of hers, just like we do here on TE. I don't know whether she has taken lawful action against the society and the media, that's up for another debate on how to tackle harassment.

Why the hell was she scared when Secy of the society threatened her for calling cops?

Maybe she didn't want to be on bad terms with her neighbours? Some people take advantage of others being polite and then the polite ones get blamed for not being brave. I don't know about her personally, but she might have her own reasons why she didn't act initially and then shared only later about what happened (perhaps the blow out in the media made her do so).

I don't know why you are lambasting her instead of the topic at hand, that is harassment in residential societies. There are many like her, and some take action and some don't, but that doesn't justify the initial harassment.
Precisely the reason why such things happen in the societies. "don't want hassle".

She had to fight instead of being quiet. Social networking comes later.

Edit: the topics at hand that you've mentioned makes no sense. Nothing new in that. In fact issues that are less serious than interview in your house can cause more problems. Media also is know for trolling specially soft targeting celebs and public figures.

Let her avoid hassles. This will only boost hooliganism by the managing committees in the societies.

Google Deepak Tijori membership expulsion from society case.
Google what Emran Hashmi did when he was rejected from a society for being a Muslim and the image of serial kisser.

It's like we live in among Educated Illiterates and we love not doing anything against them.
we are all internet warriors, love clicking likes and putting facebook messages , no one will move anything apart from it
I wouldn't agree to that. You can't say "We" here. Not all are Internet warriors or running government through social network.

Some fight in real life too.
What personal life of hers did I bring up?

Society just for one community is a different topic. There are areas in kandivali where you'll get jains only. You won't get even an egg in the shops there. Limits cross when you get refused by shops for asking mosquito repellents.

So the above mentioned paper cut out is different.

Have you not heard about Parsi colony..?

Even today there are societies where you are not allowed to eat non veg. And it's maintained very strictly.

There are also societies where bachelors are not allowed to buy house or take one in rent or give on rent to a bachelor. Why not point these things too?

You can't just blame media. They type shit all the time. They are big time trollers. The question is what the heck are you doing when you're victimized? You can't sit in some isolated house being a bechara and posting on Facebook. Just ridiculous.

Also one more thing.. Why the hell was she scared when Secy of the society threatened her for calling cops?

You know what? Instead of being threatened, if nothing was wrong, she should have called cops upfront by launching an fir against the person that called her.

Right on all counts except the Parsi colony bit, since they are a minority they have been given permission to have Parsis only housing developments.

While I am in agreement with and others of similar thought about freedom to act in a society, remember it should not be at the expense of a neighbor. Now how many vegetarians are ok with non veg smell ??

Now one for the non vegetarians , how many NVs amongt you are ok with Dogs, rats, snakes, cats, monkeys etc being cooked and eaten?

Has anyone eaten Durian (a cousing of Jack fruit) ? how many of you are ok with the strong STENCH of durian?

If a society is veg only, one knew that when they bought the house (and probably got it cheap because of it), now respect the same when you want to sell it.[DOUBLEPOST=1366026609][/DOUBLEPOST]
we are all internet warriors, love clicking likes and putting facebook messages , no one will move anything apart from it

Not all, some do it in real too, and others are mustering up the strength to be internet warriors at least rather than being idle bystander.
so where are you drawing the line in segregating people , food wise ,? next someone will come up and say religion , then next caste?
so where are you drawing the line in segregating people , food wise ,? next someone will come up and say religion , then next caste?
Food was just an example, it will be religious too. That is the way it has always been and will continue in future too. The society has rules, and you knew them when you bought the flat, probably enjoyed the fruits of these rules too, now abide by them when you are departing. Just to clarify I am not segregating anything, they are doing it on their own of their own free will, society is doing it, I am just pointing out facts.

I am all for "This is against the law, and I will so as I please" but I do respect people's sentiments too which is why I didn't bother to look at any veg only buildings when I bought an apartment even though I am 100% sure they could do nothing if I cooked non veg in my home.

If the rules are changed mid way, you may have a case, else I doubt you could win in any court EVEN IF THE LAW SAYS OTHERWISE.

Example: try constructing a house any which way you want in Amby Valley (or any of the new villa townships), or try selling it to anyone you please. See how far you get. There are rules governing it.