Storage Solutions hard disk blues

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my pc is 550Mhz P3 with 64 Mb RAM. it came with an 8 Gb hard disk. recently i bought samsung 80 gb disk but the problem is that my pc is able to etect at max 40 gb hard dik space when i used jumper setings else it is unable to detect the entire 80 gb space. somebody told me that updating the bios might help. is that true.
tell me if updatin bois is the only solution then wat all precautoions 2 b taken. moreover i m plannin to buy a 300 gb hard disk. if the bios update is goin to solve the prpblem then only i m goin to go ahead wid the plans
check what chipset ur motherboard is of. I used 160GB on my P3 500 with 810 chipset with a lil difficulties..80 would work flawlessly
you must have put the jumper on 40GB capacity limit. Remove the hard drive and place the jumper correct on the setting without a capacity limit - it will be written clearly on the hard drive itself, to avoid any confusion.
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