Storage Solutions Hard Disk Unreadable .. How to Repair or Recover Data ..

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Guys .. my 1TB HDD is not readable ... i m nt able to access it .. its a WD Green 1TB ..

It has some precious data ... i need to recover atleast 300GB of important data from it ... pls what are the options i can do recover my data ...

In Computer Management/Disk Management it shows Disk Readable ...
In My Computer when i try to open any drive, explorer hangs ..

What are the possible options to Repair it or Recover the Data ..
its time to replace the Hdd if its under warranty.You can get recovery services from many 3rd party dealers in your city.just check via google.

Two things : Either the Hard Disk has gone bad or in our case assuming it has some software issues reading the data.

Anyways that is not of paramount concern. What is important is to get back the data from it.

First I would advice you to boot into any live Linux environment. I would suggest using with Knoppix or Ubuntu CDs.
I had a problem where Windows 7 could not even recognize my external drive. I booted into Ubuntu and it I found the data was perfectly there. Just copy it into any other HDD.

Also once my external had gone wild...Even Ubuntu this time refused to recognise the drive.I remember using Easeus Data Recovery ( Free Edition ) to get back all my data. It does something and Eureka..All the partitions become visible again.

If all of these steps fail to bring the desired result you can try the method which I havent tried but read somewhere that it works.

Freeze your external overnight wrapped in a polythene in your refrigerator. Doing such can help the head read data.
Now get out your external and see if you can see any of your data...Either in Windows Environment or in the Linux Live Environment. Now if you can see that data try copying the most important data ASAP. At some time the HDD might not be readable again. Again freeze the disk for some time ( Maybe 2-3 hours )

Well data recovery is one hell of a work...But more often than not it works.
Just keep trying.

In the worst case if the DATA is absolutely essential and you need it at any cost any professional data recovery solution might be your last resort.

All the Best !!!

X-Rebel said:
Guys .. my 1TB HDD is not readable ... i m nt able to access it .. its a WD Green 1TB ..

It has some precious data ... i need to recover atleast 300GB of important data from it ... pls what are the options i can do recover my data ...

In Computer Management/Disk Management it shows Disk Readable ...
In My Computer when i try to open any drive, explorer hangs ..

What are the possible options to Repair it or Recover the Data ..
Thanks bro for such a detailed reply. Will try freezing the disk.

Hiren Boot CD Dos Tools recognized the disk, i tried to use WD Diagnostic tool from it, but it gave Read Error. In Ubuntu the disk was detected, but was giving Read Error. Hope freezing it will help to atleast recover the critical data.
Pleasure X-Rebel

You may also try HDD Regenerator..It proclaims to remove software rendered bad sectors.

BTW...Run a HD Tune first...You can diagnose the problem then

X-Rebel said:

Thanks bro for such a detailed reply. Will try freezing the disk.

Hiren Boot CD Dos Tools recognized the disk, i tried to use WD Diagnostic tool from it, but it gave Read Error. In Ubuntu the disk was detected, but was giving Read Error. Hope freezing it will help to atleast recover the critical data.
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