Storage Solutions Harddisk unusual behaviour

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I have a Hitachi 160GB SATA harddisk.
It is now behaving strangely.
When i turn my PC on, its fine n gets detected etc.
But if i turn OFF the machine, and again start it, wont get detect in bios and so no activity.

***I've to wait for atleast 20-30minites and then start the machine, then only it gets detected and starts working fine again.

I did tried other SATA ports on m'board and also cables,but, all my other SATA Hardisks are working fine, on same port with same cables.

It was purchased in can it be still under warranty???
Where can i find a Hitachi HDD Service center here in mumbai??

Plz help guyz....
one f my friends had the same problem.. when he put it in the fridge:rofl: , and cooled it for a few minutes, it got detected right away. the drive died soon after though
greenhorn said:
one f my friends had the same problem.. when he put it in the fridge:rofl: , and cooled it for a few minutes, it got detected right away. the drive died soon after though

Kerala = high humidity .... and .... fridge = cold .... so .... out of fridge = moisture = short ciruit on PCB = DEATH ..... Q.E.D. :D
greenhorn said:
lol no.. the freezing-deefreezing routine worked for a few days!

then the thing went bust :D

From what I have read in the forums this procedure is only meant to be used to let you quickly get your data backed off the HDD and the HDD is not expected to run for long after it is removed from the fridge - so it did work for you. GREAT !!

BUT I had 2 IBM DEATHstar HDD die a sudden death on me last year and this fridge trick did not work at all :(

This cooling procedure is mentioned in ... "200 ways to revive a HDD" .. download it from ....
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