Harry Potter series 7th book title announced !! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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YES !! it is out !!

The 7th book's title has been announced.

It is on JKR's site where you have to play some hangman and the title is revealed.

So, the excitement starts again.

Some people say the book will be released on 7th July 2007. Simply coz 7 is the most powerful number in the series.

7 horcruxes, 7 books, etc...

And 7/7/07 seems the perfect day to release the book.

Anyway, my question for the new book

1). Is Snape Evil?

2). Why did Dumbledore's eyes gleam in the 4th book when Harry said Voldemort had used his blood and could touch him ?

3). Who is RAB ??

This mystery is somewhat solved by wikipedia

Support for the theory that Regulus Black is R.A.B. has been gathered from the translation of Half-Blood Prince to other languages. In the Dutch translation of the novel, Regulus Black is called Regulus Zwarts and the initials in the locket are R.A.Z. In the Norwegian edition, Regulus Black is called Regulus Svaart, and the initials R.A.S. are in the locket, while in the Finnish translation, Regulus Black is called Regulus Musta, and the initials are R.A.M.

4). What is Aunt Petunia's secret ??

5). what happened to Wormtail ? Will he come back ?? What abt his life which he owes to Harry ?

6). What abt the gang ?? Will any of them die ?

Oh boy !! So many questrions !! I just cant wait !!
sheesh! More 7 months damnit! :@

Btw Nikhil, Severus can be viciously evil as much as Tom can qualify to be minister of magic. So, the Possiblities do exist to a certain level. :P

Even, an amused JKR seemed to nod meekly in regards to the findings about R.A.B. which was made apparent through the following interview.

MA: R.A.B.

JKR: Ohhh, good.

[All laugh.] JKR: No, I'm glad! Yes?

MA: Can we figure out who he is, from what we know so far?

[Note: JKR has adopted slightly evil look here] JKR: Do you have a theory?

MA: We've come up with Regulus Black.

JKR: Have you now?

MA: Uh-oh.


JKR: Well, I think that would be, um, a fine guess.

Source: MuggleNet | R.A.B. - I know who it is! - An editorial by B.J. Texan

About Dumbledore and 'gleaming thingy', it vaguely reminds me of the impact of 'The Killing curse' on the target. While all others, in various parts, 'crumpled' or 'drop dead' when struck unsolicited by 'Avada Kedavra', Dumbledore seemed to be blasted in air, suspended for few moments and then slowly fall backward. Duno why these distinct interpretations are used or what they imply, maybe there's a catch, maybe not. ;)

The stuff about Wormtail <-> Harry would be worth too! The behemoth creativity of JKR (be it conjuring up incantations/nomenclations/scenarios/whatnot) is too intensive to resist. 7 more months! is feeling like a lifetime already.. :(
aaah finally !! Another HP fan !!

Where is Zhops :P ??

Seriously..... 7 months is too bloody long. And it isnt even confirmed if it is July 7th or not !!

And everything abt Dumbledore's death is mysterious. As you said, why wasnt he blasted apart ?? supposedly, Godric's Hollow was in a mess when Hagrid and Sirius arrived. But, you dont see any explosion or anything when Snape kills Dumbledore.

I believe Dumbledore is dead. He is definitely gone. But there are too many mysterious things abt it.
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