Has any one use MicroXP?


Hey peeps!!!

Recently learnt of microXP. It promised some really cool features like XP in just 74mb of space. It installs in just 5 minutes, used almost no memory or other system resources. So I started testing it on VirtualBox.

Now the problem is I am not able to browse internet through it. I even tried sharing a folder between my host xp system n this one but was not able to do that too. Seems some networking prob between the virtual system and the host.
In the later phase I also have planed to see the performance of the games in this tiny - winy OS. The site said that the performance of all the games tested were far better on it that in original XP.

So guys please help me out. I am really exited to test this. :p

Thanks in advance...
No idea about this s/w but sounded interesting so I looked it up. Not much info on this s/w

As an alternative, nLite is open source, well documented and can do what microXP can do
Microsoft Windows MicroXP v0.82 Full and Free - Everything you need


No local networking is possible. The “Network Connections” service has been kept in this edition of Windows to stop errors when installing Ethernet card or modem drivers. The “Network Connections” service is not there to support LAN networking. You can of course just try to plug another computer into your MicroXP computer, but networking in this way is not guaranteed to work, because the related services for this are removed (Computer Browser and Workstation).
lol, it's not a new version of XP or any new software. Just a stripped down version of the normal XP. Warez if u don't use ur own legal key.

U can use nLite and make ur own version of a micro XP by getting rid of unnecessary services, drivers and languages. Keep what u want and get rid of the rest.
Running this under VirtualBox network may not work but when installed on a standalone partition the internet & network works perfectly. I tested it & its perfect when you just need to stick with XP for certain software/hardware which Vista cant run.
1. i havent heard about micro xp .. but have used tiny xp .. quick installation .. limited features
2. using nlite you can reduce the size of your xp installation or you can make your own customized xp installation cd .. like pre-assigning ip address, computer name etc and also pre-installation of small softwares.