Storage Solutions Has anyone else had this issue with Segate GoFlex Desk?

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I have been using this hard drive since past 1.5 years, never faced any problems in that period. but since recently it started to crash (not responding) had backed up quite lot of data from it since then. but as I have 3Tb drive. I couldn't manage to backup rest of the data. and now it doesn't even let me access the filesystem.

It displays the drive in my computer, and then when I click or run any utility like SeaTools it stops responding. I had tried connecting the drive directly to sata port of my Pc. but the pc itself doesn't start due to mysterious reasons.

If anyone else had this issue? could he/she help in troubleshooting this problem? apart from the last resort being RMA..

I'm gonna try to do the freezer trick today. can anyone suggest the time till when it should be kept in the freezer? and what about the moisture, can it damage the drive?

Thanks in Advance :)
probably late, but i did the freezer trick once on my seagate internal drive. had wrapped it up in 2-3 thick plastic bags. i kept it in deep freeze for around little more than an hour. wrapped it in a thick towel before connecting to pc so moisture from air would not condensate around and form water droplets. it worked for 15 minutes but at a very slow speed.
probably late, but i did the freezer trick once on my seagate internal drive. had wrapped it up in 2-3 thick plastic bags. i kept it in deep freeze for around little more than an hour. wrapped it in a thick towel before connecting to pc so moisture from air would not condensate around and form water droplets. it worked for 15 minutes but at a very slow speed.

I had connected drive after 12 hours in deep freeze but it detects the drive once and doesn't respond after that. seems like drive is lost :(
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