Monitors Has anyone tried HCL lcds?

De alchemist

Hey all !!
I saw an HCL lcd in e-zone today.Looked quite nice(though it was a TN panel), but it came with whole HTPC system.The guy dint have ny clue about LCD availability and pricing alone.I guess hcl just assembles products from some other manufacturer and brands it.Has anyone of us had an LCD from hcl.
Please put in price and performance ,if u have.
I wont recommend you for buyinng HCL LCd some of the most worst LCD's are produced by HCL better you get yourself off with Samsung 740n or a viewsonic .. .HCL has worst Response time, the ideal viewing DVD movies is 16:9..Dont look at the size the images are not crisp my friend own 1 and he has tried every posibble setting 1 could do but results are still bad :( So don't opt for it ;)
HCL is not known for good quality products. In fact, these companies selling branded PCs often compromise a lot on the products inside and just give a regular non PC savvy customer a good fancy looking PC that works without hassles.

This works for regular PC users who don't care much about their configuration or whether they have the best LCD(or even a decent LCD).

I would personally never even consider HCL LCD given their history mainly because, they are not interested in making the best LCD unlike an LCD manufacturer like Viewsonic or Samsung but are more interested in selling branded PCs. So I would never feel confident that I have got the best product for my money.
its is most likely the CMV 19" Panel. CMV has both TN & P-MVA models with almost same price range like 926D(P-MVA). But still no surity so stay away from HCL shit, they pack the most garbage items. If u can, grab the CMV 926D(P-MVA) or Viewsonic(TNs only). S-PVA panels i guess only Samsung makes but doubt if any models are available in India.
Most HCL LCD's are rebranded AOC LCD's + HCL's service is horrible :no: ... [ delhi feedback ]

my friend got a 17" lcd against my advice .. 1 month lcd :mad: is giving huge problems & zero support :mad:

personally got a viewsonic VG1930Wm .... :clap: and i am loving it :clap: [ with great advice from TE members :eek:hyeah: ]