Having problems with media center extender xbox360

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I am having issues getting my xbox360's media center and my pc's media center to communicate via media extender through my router.I have tried just about everything from service and support sites to all the sites and companys associated. When I set my media extender up on my computer and type the 8 digit code it searches and then displays the message extender not found. I have set up my firewalls and through about three days of a headache and many hours of troubleshooting:@ i have narrowed it down to my router/router settings and networking. If anyonecould help me resolve this issue i would be very gratefull. I am running a HP pavillion Amd 64*2 with vista home premiem and got a Linksys router model #BEFSR41 4.1 I am not very computer friendly so i don't know many terms and such But givin the circumstances I have been getting better the last few days.
Thanks for your time.::hap2:
Omorphic said:
I am having issues getting my xbox360's media center and my pc's media center to communicate via media extender through my router.I have tried just about everything from service and support sites to all the sites and companys associated. When I set my media extender up on my computer and type the 8 digit code it searches and then displays the message extender not found. I have set up my firewalls and through about three days of a headache and many hours of troubleshooting:@ i have narrowed it down to my router/router settings and networking. If anyonecould help me resolve this issue i would be very gratefull. I am running a HP pavillion Amd 64*2 with vista home premiem and got a Linksys router model #BEFSR41 4.1 I am not very computer friendly so i don't know many terms and such But givin the circumstances I have been getting better the last few days.
Thanks for your time.::hap2:

What OS are you using and what is the WMP version? Are you trying through wireless or wired?
I am using windows vista home premium(OS) and Windows Media Center. I'm not using WMP for this but i believe I got version 11 if you still need to know.Also I am using a wired connection.
Thanks for your time my friend.
Omorphic said:
I am using windows vista home premium(OS) and Windows Media Center. I'm not using WMP for this but i believe I got version 11 if you still need to know.Also I am using a wired connection.
Thanks for your time my friend.

Enable media sharing in WMP 11 and add the Xbox 360 as Media Center Extender. Then attempt the usual steps, it should work. If your router is of the quaint 802.11b standard, Xbox 360 won't pair with it.
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