HAWKEN - Discussion Thread

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Developer: Adhesive Games

Type: Multiplayer FPS

Release Date: Not announced yet!

Platform: PC, PS3, X360

Game engine: UE 3

Launch Trailer:





Presently not much info is available on the game nor the release date. Hawken is targeting PC, 360 and PS3 and will be a download-only product. Adhesive Games is an indie developer comprising of just 9 guys with their office located at LA. Pretty awesome how a small bunch can churn out a title like this!

The gameplay video is pretty awesome! Sad that no single player campaign is available. At least our in-house MP fanatics would be keen on this title.
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

The trailer looks really nice :D

Unreal Engine 3 based games gonna look killer with all the ice candy :P
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

Looks AWESOME, but Indie games like this should follow the P2P-hosting like system found in MW2, Bioshock 2 and Red Faction cause if these also go for dedicated servers then there'll surely be none in India...
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

Looks really nice. Like the way the sound has been mapped to machine movement. Wish they had SP.
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

Here are some more details, credits to google:
Interview with Adhesive Games; Creators of Hawken - DeviceMAG

Its quite comendable to pull off something like this with a small team but once they get enough attention they need to step their game up, recruit a bigger team and produce something epic or else its another hype in shit(cellfactor anyone). nobody's gonna play a single map for ever with same set of two/three machines. gameplay or weapon or any kind of variants gonna help. U3 looks sweet, not showing its age and you should watch samaritan trailer if you want to see the engine in all its glory.
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

Josephe Hawker was the inventor of the 1st military tank, which in turn is a primitive mech or armor. So this might just be the reason why the game is named "Hawken" in his honor, can't say for sure, just a hunch. :)
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

This is really impressive.I had no idea a team of nine could do so much.Lots of game studios come up with games that don't compare to this.If they sell out to a big publisher we might just see this turn into a franchise.
Re: HAWKEN - Mech Combat MP FPS!

Damn, no one's following this one? :P

Here's the latest gameplay demo trailer which was premiered during E3:


And here's a little something for folks who stay around Agra or may visit Agra sometime soon. Take up the Hawken Landmark Challenge:

1. Take a print-out of this Hawken image.

2. Click a supah-awsum snap with the Taj Mahal in the background (Adhesive has put up a list of landmarks here but it can be something not in the list but yet popular!) and the print out visible in the snap.

3. Send the snap to:


and get your image featured on their upcoming video. :D
Source: Hawken » MISCELLANEOUS
Question is, will a retail version arrive in India? Or even on Steam for India for that matter?

Lately more and more titles are "region excluded" for India even on Steam.

Fallout NV (+DLC), Silent Hunter Complete collection, Dirt 3, F1 2010....the list seems to be growing. I understand that this is a pub problem and not Steams fault but I find it annoying that I am willing to pay for a game but I still cant buy it.

Finding someone abroad who is RELIABLE and quick (for those "1 day only sales") for gifting games on Steam isn't easy either. Still looking.

Heres hoping to see this game in/for India at some point.....
Probably these guys itself may have something to pay and download the title. Let's see how it shapes up. They've garnered good praises from the industry. This was featured #1 on Reddit, most watched game video on Youtube and so forth.

As such I am out of this since I am not into MP.
Done as requested. I had no idea this was a problem - apologies.

BTW, the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" option doesn't seem to work when I try to use it. Is it broken or am I doing something wrong?
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