Graphic Cards Hd 4350


I am planning on buying a Sapphire HD 4350 512MB DDR2 but am a little worried since my current config is around 3 years old.

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ 2.64GHz
1 GB Ram
380 Watt power supply
Currently I have a GeForce 6200TC >.>

I am able to play WiC, TimeShift, CnC3, RA:3 in medium to low settings at 1024x768 res smoothly.

My question is will the HD 4350 be bottlenecked by the processor ?
My current budget is around 2400 which is perfect for this card.

But if there is another great option which has far greater performance for little increase in price I am ready listen.

The real reason I am getting this is cause my CPU chokes while playing 1080p movies and was planning on getting a better GPU to share the load.But mostly it is for gaming.
HD4350 will do fine @ 1024 with low settings.. Your other options are
Palit HD2600 Pro @ 3k
Palit 9500GT @ 3k
Palit HD4670 @ 4.2k

The last one is worth for its premium..:)
Yeah HD 4350 is low end card.It will play games at 1024x768 with medium-low settings.Palit 8600GT is pretty ok,it will play games at 1280x1024 on meduim settings.It will cost about 3k.The cards muzux2 suggested are also pretty good especially HD 4670,its a steal for such a price.
I would say get a second hand 8600GT for 2-2.4k. Post in the market section, 4350 is way too slow for the new crop of games, and even though 4670 is a stellar option, your system would be a bottleneck. I guess 8600GT is the right balance for your system.
Aces170 said:
I would say get a second hand 8600GT for 2-2.4k. Post in the market section, 4350 is way too slow for the new crop of games, and even though 4670 is a stellar option, your system would be a bottleneck. I guess 8600GT is the right balance for your system.

Get 8600GT DDR3, it's perfect for you :)